Showing posts with label Computer-Tasks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer-Tasks. Show all posts

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

What is the Windows Key or Button? What are the Windows 8 Hotkeys or Shortcuts?

Today’s How-To Guide for the computer beginner is Called, “What is the Windows Key or Button?  What are the Windows 8 Hotkeys or Shortcuts?”

I also have a Hotkeys or Shortcut Cheat Sheet at the bottom to print out if you so wish.

What is the Windows Key or Window Button?

I have also heard this key being referred to as:
Windows Button
Windows Logo Key

They are the same thing – just different nicknames!

We will also go over Windows 8 Shortcuts using this button.  These shortcuts are also referred to as:

Windows 8 Shortcuts, or Windows 8 Shortcut Keys
Windows 8 Hot keys
Win8 Shortcuts

Again, same thing just a different label!

In Windows 8 in particular you will be using this key to navigate around your computer.  You will be using the windows key quite a lot!

Notice is has the logo most people identify for Windows Operating System Products.

Windows Key Window Button
Above is a picture of the windows Key, or Windows Button.

When you wish to return to the Start Screen you will push this windows key for example.  That would be called a ‘shortcut’.  Some refer to it as a keyboard shortcut, but again same thing different label.

What are the Windows 8 Hotkeys or Shortcuts?

Below are some examples of Window Key Shortcuts, but keep in mind most of the time people will reference how to use them.  Most people are NOT expecting you to know all of them – all the time!

The Strange looking graphic looks your Windows key pictured above.

The direction below are asking you to do two things.  First you want to hold down the Windows logo key that we have been talking about. 

Notice is also states +C.  This means to also push down the C key at the same time.

Its okay to push the Windows Logo key, and then hold it down to find the second key to push.  Just remember BOTH need to be held down at the same time for the result you are looking for.
Windows logo key Windows logo key +C
Open the Charms
Windows logo key Windows logo key +D
Display and hide the desktop
Windows logo key Windows logo key +F
Open the Search charm and search for files
Windows logo key Windows logo key
Display or hide the Start screen
If you would like to see a more complete list of Window Logo Key Shortcuts?  Microsoft has a very extensive list for you. 

Microsoft Windows 8 Logo Key Shortcut list

If you would like a print sheet of these Windows 8 hotkeys, or Windows 8 Shortcuts I uploaded them here for you to print.
Win8 Shortcuts – Printable Cheat Sheet

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner
On: What is the Windows Key or Button? What are the Windows 8 Hotkeys or Shortcuts?

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

How-to Do a manual Windows Update

We have now answered the questions:

What is windows update?

How do you set automatic windows updates for Vista, Windows 7, or automatic windows updates for XP

If you noticed in our What is Windows update lesson I showed you a pictured of the task bar that at times gives you a notification to check your windows updates.

In today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner we will cover

How-to Manually check a windows update

If you have set your computer up for the automatic updates as we did in the past lesson your computer could be:
  1. Telling you that you have some optional updates to look at.

  2. The updates became available recently, and your scheduled update has not occurred since the availably.

I would say those are most common.

We would want to double click on the icon in our task bar that appeared in your notification area – as pictured above.
In this example, I have both important updates and optional updates.

What Windows Updates to Choose

I have two options here.  I can just go ahead, and install updates by clicking on the button, or I can take a look at the updates themselves to make a decision.

As I mentioned in a prior lesson I tend to install the important or critical updates when prompted to do so.  The optional updates I tend to like to look at before I install them.  Today we will look at both just so you can see them.  Click on the blue words, ‘2 important updates are available’.  You will come to the screen below
You can read the description of each update by clicking the box next to the name one at a time, and in the blue section it will give a description.  Microsoft also supplies you hotlinks to articles for more information.

You don’t have to click all the updates individually, but of course can if you want to.  If you notice in the picture above we can click on the top box, and that will select ALL the important updates listed.
You would click OK at the bottom of the screen when you are done selecting your windows updates in this section.  This will bring you back to the original

select-optional-windows-updates screen, and you can do the same clicking on the blue words  1 optional update is available

In my picture above they are telling me that I have an optional update for my Kodak printer.  I can either make the decision to select the update for my printer, or I can make the decision NOT TO.  Again I can click OK, and I’m brought back to the original screen once again – seen below.

Install Windows Updates

Since I know what updates the computer asking me permission to update?  I can click INSTALL UPDATES at this point.
You will at this point get a progress screen as the program progresses. Depending on the size or number of updates you chose to do?  It could take some time.

I have found if your computer internet speed is slower?  If you do smaller numbers of windows updates at times – starting with older ones moving to newer ones?  It will go faster, or if your computer struggles with these updates?  It doesn’t seem to hang up or freeze up as much when you do them in smaller parts.
At times you are prompted to reboot your computer, and that will finish installing the updates.

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner on doing a manual windows update!!

How-To allow Windows Updates to run automatically in Windows XP

In Windows XP you can configure your windows update to be done automatically.  In a past lesson we explained What is a Windows Update?

Today’s How-To Guide For the Computer Beginner we will learn:
How-To allow Windows XP Updates to run automatically.

Windows Updates For Windows XP

In Windows XP we want to click on our start button, and in the search box type in ‘windows update’. 
We are going to make sure your computer settings are set to do the windows updates automatically.
Look to the left hand side of this new window, and we want to click on ‘settings’.
Once you open t
his section it will give a number of different options for you to choose from.
As you can see on top you have a pull down box, and it will give you different option of WHEN to do the updates.  To make sure you get all the available service packs for windows XP?  They state the easier way is by the automatic update option.

If this does not work?  How to install Windows XP Service Pack 3
or How to Obtain the Latest Windows XP service Pack.

I have my computer on all the time, and I choose the option of allowing the computer to do my windows updates at 3:00 am each day.  I know I will be sleeping, and it won’t interrupt things during the day when the computer is in use.

You can change these times and dates to what you best for your circumstance.
You can click APPLY and then OKAY at the bottom to save your changes.

You have now changed your computer to do your windows updates automatically.

Don’t forget to read the article on manually doing windows updates!

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

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Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner, and today’s lesson on turning on automatic windows updates on Windows XP!!

How-To allow Windows Updates to run automatically in Vista or Windows 7

In Windows Vista or Windows Seven (7) you can configure your windows update to be done automatically.  In a past lesson we explained What is a Windows Update?

Today’s How-To Guide For the Computer Beginner we will learn:
How-To allow Windows Updates to run automatically.

Updates For Windows

In Windows Vista or Windows 7 we want to click on our start button, and in the search box type in ‘windows update’.  You will see at the top of the start menu the option for Windows update as seen below, and we want to click on windows update to open a new screen
Once the new window appears it will note the windows updates that are available for your computer.  We are going to make sure your computer settings are set to do the windows updates automatically.
Look to the left hand side of this new window, and we want to click on ‘change settings’.
Once you open this section it will give a number of different options for you to choose from.
As you can see on top you have a pull down box, and it will give you different options to choose from.
  1. Install updates automatically (recommended) - If you select this option then all critical updates will be downloaded automatically and installed on your computer. These updates will be installed at the time you specify in the fields labeled Install new updates. This is the recommended option for the majority of people as it guarantees that you have all the critical updates automatically installed on your computer.

  2. Download updates but let me choose whether to install them - If you select this option, Windows will download updates to your computer, but not install them automatically. If you want to install the updates then you must install them manually. You should only select this option if you have a reason for not installing updates automatically. Only advanced users should use this option.

  3. Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them - If you select this option, you will be alerted when there are new updates available to download and install. You can then choose to download and install the updates that you wish. This option should really only be used by people who know exactly what updates they need or those who have limited access to the Internet.

  4. Never check for updates (not recommended) - If you select this option, Windows will never automatically check for updates. This option should never be selected as it puts your computer at great risk to being compromised, infected, or hacked.

I have my computer on all the time, and I choose the option of allowing the computer to do my windows updates at 3:00 am each day.  I know I will be sleeping, and it won’t interrupt things during the day when the computer is in use.
You can change these times and dates to what you best for your circumstance.
I have opted to have my recommended updates done at the same time as my important or critical updates.
You may also have the second option of asking WHO may do the windows updates for the computer.  If you leave this unchecked it would only the administrators on the computer. 
These messages deal with the optional updates.  These are the ones that you can choose to see if they are important for you computer or NOT important.

You can click OKAY at the bottom to save your changes.

You have now changed your computer to do your windows updates automatically.

Make sure you also read How-To do a manual windows update!

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.
Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner, and today’s lesson on turning on automatic windows updates on Vista and Windows 7!!

What is a Windows Update?

With every version of Windows that I can remember you were always given messages about ‘windows updates’.  I was asked some rather conflicting questions about windows updates, and so as you might have guessed today’s

How To Guide for the computer beginner is

What is Windows Update?

Microsoft provides windows updates, and you normally see these on your right side of the task bar in the notification area.
If you hoover over the icon that the mouse pictures are showing it will give you a message that there is a windows update available.

There are different types of updates.  Updates are classified as Important, Recommended, Optional, and Featured.

Important Updates (or Critical updates) are updates that they ask you do download right away.  They are normally have security issues involved with them.  They are to help keep your privacy, security, and vulnerability to crooks a minimum.    It could be that Microsoft found a hole they want to patch up, or found that hackers found a way to penetrate the windows system. 

Recommended Updates are updates to various components of the operating system that should be installed for proper functionality.

Optional Updates, are new features, updates, or Ultimate Extras that are not necessary to install for proper functionality of the operating system or applications.  In the last windows update that I did for example, they mentioned my printer software had an update to download.

Featured you don’t really see anymore, but if you ever do they will give you a description of the update.  You will be able to decided if it is something that your computer will find beneficial.   In other words, its little extras if you want them.

Do I need to install these windows updates?

At the bare minimum the important or critical updates, along with the recommended updates YES you should!
I have heard people mention these updates slow down your computer, or cause issues.

They don't necessarily slow the PC down - having too many computer applications open at once, or viruses, or a cluttered/full hard drive are more likely culprits!

If you found you had to do a large number of windows updates then do a bit of computer maintenance, like defrag your computer, etc afterwards.

The optional or featured updates give you description of what they are, and you make the decision as to which ones are important TO YOU and your circumstance.

Can Windows Updates be done automatically?

What is nice about newer operating systems is YES the critical and recommended updates can be done automatically for you.

In a future lessons we will go over how to configure your computer to do that for you.

The optional windows updates are just that – optional.  You will have to make a choice as to whether or not you wish to download those.  We will go into that more later.

Windows Updates – Final thoughts

Each home computer will have to do their own updates separately.  It is the Administrator will have to do the updates as well.

From time to time to a windows update message will appear on your desktop to ask you to restart your computer.  This is asked so that they update can be installed properly.  You normally have an option of restarting NOW or later.
If you have a huge amount of windows updates to do on your computer?  I have personally found if you do them in order of date – older ones first – and in groups of maybe 3-5 updates at a time?  They update faster, and with less problems. 

If you have a fast computer, or fast internet speed?  You may not have to go that route.  Be patient though, when you have huge amount of updates it does take time.

Message from Microsoft:

There are a number of reasons an update might fail. Windows Update needs to be able to scan your computer for needed updates, download the updates, and then install the updates. If something goes wrong during any one of these stages, it can prevent an update from being installed on your computer. For more information about an error or failure, click the Help link in the error message. If there isn't a topic on the specific error, see Troubleshoot problems with installing updates for more information.

At times we all have issues with our computer or our internet provider.  Most of the time unless there is truly some issue with your computer or internet provider it’s a fluke.  Try the update again, and chances are it will go just fine.

If it is a rather large update, and your computer is slower either in speed or internet?  Do that update all by itself.  Let all your computer resources go towards the update.  In other words don’t do other things on the computer while it tries to update.

I was doing some work on a friend’s computer recently, and our internet provider was having issues due to the weather.  Her computer needed over 70 updates, and I did them in groups of 5 at a time.  If the update was LARGE?  I did it one at a time.  Due to the weather at times the internet would completely stop, and I had to start all over again.  YES it was annoying, but needed to be done.

In future articles I will go into more detail on Windows Updates.

I wanted to be sure you knew what they were first.
Setup Automatic Windows Updates on Vista or Windows 7
Setup Automatic Windows Updates on Windows XP
Do a Manual Windows update

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided below.

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Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner on What is a Windows Update!!

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

How-To Change Your Computer Name

device-nameWhen you first setup your computer you are prompted to NAME your computer.  I know some computer beginners have other people set the computer up for them, or honestly don’t remember this step if they did it themselves.

Your Computer name is used to identify the computer on a network.  I noticed as well that most of the time when you setup the computer that manufacturers will have this filled with a recommendation.  Its normally the make and model of the computer.

At my home we have more than one computer.  I setup a home network, and I want to be able to identify the different computers easily.   You could name your computer by location (kitchen, basement, bedroom), or by user (bob laptop, sue tower).  If you want to rename your computer after your pet?  That is YOUR choice!

As you might have guessed Today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner is:

Renaming Your Computer

First I must note that you will need Administrative Rights to do this. 
Second Note:  Close all documents, web pages, etc.  You will need to restart the computer when you are done.

You will start by clicking on our start button (red finger), and show our start menu.
We will be looking for the control panel (yellow finger).

Once you see your control panel look to the left hand side

Control Panel has two views.  We want to be sure you are NOT on the classic view.  You notice the white dot I circled?  Click on Control Panel Home if you white dot is next to classic view.

We are looking for the System and Security Section . (In Windows XP ‘Performance and Maintenance’)
We will click on the green words, System and Security

Find the SYSTEM (same with Windows XP) section, and notice:
Click on the blue See the name of this computer in blue letters (Windows XP Click on computer name tab.  You should see the computer name and workgroup name.)

Your next screen is again broken down by sections.  You want to look for Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings

My blue arrow above is pointing to your computer name.  That is what it is called presently.

The Red arrow is pointing to CHANGE SETTINGS. 

We will click on CHANGE SETTINGS, and at this time you may get prompted by your computer for either Admin password, and other screen asking if you truly wish to continue.  We do want to do this if we are going to change the name on your computer.

rename computer

The Systems Properties window will open first.
If you look to the top make sure you are on the ‘Computer Name’ tab.
If you notice my mouse is over the ‘change’ button in the picture.
Click the CHANGE button.
Computer Name Changes Screen will pop up next.

In the white box is your current computer name.  You can click inside that white box, and change it to what you want at this point.

Keep in mind spaces and special characters can’t be used.  If you want two words like “Bob computer” you need to use “Bob-Computer”.  You notice I used a symbol much like a minus sign between the words.

In the picture the OK button is greyed out in the COMPUTER NAME CHANGES screen.

Once you enter your new computer name?  The OK button will become available to click.  You may click this once you made the changes you wanted.

Most of the time you are asked to restart the computer so the changes are completed.  You may need to close all your other files, web pages, etc. before you tell the computer to restart.    You will see all your open files, programs in your task bar.

How-to Change your Computer name in Windows XP

The process is similar, except some of the labels are different.

Start button to Control Panel
Click Performance and Maintenance
Click System
Click on computer name tab.  You should see the computer name and workgroup name.


Click your ‘change’ button, and enter your changes in the area provided.
If you change your workgroup you may get a thank you and welcome message.

Click OK to finish, and you will be prompted to restart your computer.

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner on Renaming your computer!!

Monday, 1 August 2011

How-To Rename Computer Folders

Welcome!  Last Time we spoke about Creating a Computer folder.  Today’s How-To lesson for the Computer beginner is about Renaming our Computer Folders.

We may do that to get better organized, or because we have a typo!

You will need to find the location the computer folder that you wish to rename first of all.

It can be on your desktop or elsewhere.

First thing we do is we will RIGHT CLICK on the computer folder icon itself!


A menu will appear and we will move to the ‘RENAME’ section.  Then click on “RENAME


The name area will be highlighted similar to our picture stating “NEW FOLDER”.  You don’t need to click in that area at all.  You just start typing.  Once you have renamed the folder to what you have chosen hit your enter key.


I have changed our folder to PHOTOS.

Rename Computer Folder

If you are within a window you can also rename the Computer folder a second way


Make sure you Highlight the Folder that you wish to rename by clicking on it once.


Look at the top of your window for the word FILE

Click On FILE, and you will get a number of menu options

You are looking for RENAME

You would then click on RENAME


And your Folder name will appear highlighted.

As we did above just start typing.  There is no need to click at this point.  Once you have renamed your computer folder to what you had chosen you will then hit your ENTER key.

If you ever wish to change a document name?  You would follow the same procedure, but clicking on the document name instead of the computer folder.

Pretty easy right?

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided. 

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading out How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner on Renaming your computer folder!!

Friday, 29 July 2011

How-to Make a Computer Folder Shortcut to Desktop

  These are pictures of computer folders.  computer-folder

Today’s How-to Guide for the Computer beginner will be on Computer Folders.  More Specifically we will make a folder on our desktop.    Some people refer to this as Folder Shortcut on Desktop.

Try to think of a computer folder much the same way as the ones you buy in to store.  Heck you can even make them into some of huge penda flex folders that we see as well.  It really depends on what you use your computer for, and how you want to keep things together.

How To Make A Folder On Desktop

Find an open space on your desktop, and then we want to right click.

<<<< This top menu pops up, and you want to look for ‘NEW’.  You will hoover over (don’t click) on NEW for the second menu to appear.

^^^^^ This second menu opens, and you need to look for “FOLDER’.  At this point you may click on folder.

If you look at your desktop at this point you should see a computer folder similar to this one pictured. 

The blue highlight is waiting for you to NAME the folder. You don’t have to ‘click’ anythingJust start typing the name you want to call this computer folder.  Hit your enter key when finished.

I have decided that I want to place my vacation pictures in a folder on my desktop.  I will name this folder photos and push my enter key.  When I double click on the folder I named, “PHOTOS” it will open to show my contents of this folder.  At this point it would empty of course.

Now I have made the decision that I want to make an addition folder INSIDE my photo folder to represent each trip I made.

I can do that VERY easy, by looking at the top, and clicking on FILE. 

I will hover over to NEW, and additional options appear.

We will click on our option, “FOLDER”.

The new highlighted spot will again appear just as it did when you made your first computer folder on the desktop.   I will name my first folder TEXAS, and hit ENTER.  I will then click on an open space within this window, and repeat the process of File, New, Folder, and then name the second computer folder ‘SPRINGFIELD’.

I had two trips – one to Springfield, and one to Texas.  I have a folder for each trip inside my PHOTOS folder on the desktop at this point.


Notice the Desktop folder name in red, and the two different trip computer folders that represent the locations.  Location one – Springfield.  Location two – Texas.

I went two main cities in Texas as part of my trip.  I went to Dallas and Fort Worth.  I have decided I want to break up my pictures into two additional folders by city name, but IN the Texas Folder itself!

computer-folder-by-cityJust as we did above we will double click on the “TEXAS” computer folder.  I would follow the same directions that we just did for Springfield and Texas. 

Click File, New, Folder, name the folder “Dallas” and hit ‘enter’.  Click on a open space within the open folder.  Click File, New, Folder, and name the computer folder ‘Fort Worth” – click enter.  If you notice at the top once you clicked on Texas?  You can confirm you are in right place by looking at the TOP line I pointed to in Red.

When I double click on Fort Worth or Dallas to place my pictures in those folders?  That top line would read:  Photos – then Texas – then Dallas

Photos – Texas – Fort Worth.

This is how I organized my vacation pictures.  I have folder on my desktop named “PHOTOS”, and inside I organized them even MORE by location.  Then in Texas I again organized the by City – Fort Worth and Dallas.  All I have to do at this point is import the photos!

Rename Computer Folder

OPPS!  Did you notice that I misspelled ‘PHOTOS”?  Its says “PHTOS” instead!  Yikes!  Lets fix that shall we?

Close out our folders menu completely, but clicking on the red “X” in the top right hand corner.  We should be looking at our desktop again at this point.

Find our computer folder on our desktop, and then we will again RIGHT CLICK on the computer folder Icon itself!


A menu will appear once again, and we will move to the ‘RENAME’ section.  Then click on “RENAME


I will then be presented with the highlighted area once again, and I can correct my mistake!  Remember just TYPE don’t click on the box to edit.


Now that I have fixed my spelling error – did you notice the appearance of the file folder changed as well?  I copied our first screen shot on purpose so you can see the visual of the difference between what it looked like when we started, and what it looks like now.

Our Final product if you look closely?  You have your ‘main computer’ (outside folder), and additional folders inside (Springfield and Texas).  I think that is NEAT!

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.


Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading out How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner on Computer Folder Shortcuts for Desktops!!