Showing posts with label basic-computer-operation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basic-computer-operation. Show all posts

Monday, 27 July 2015

How-To do Windows Update for Windows 7?

Today’s How-To Guide for the computer beginner we are going attempt answer the question, ‘How-To do Windows Update for Windows 7?”

Today I will briefly explain:

Where is Windows Update? 

How do you install the Window’s updates? 

What are optional updates?

Turning on Automatic updates

Dealing with window update errors


Where is Windows Update?

In Windows 7:


Go to your start button, and type in windows update.  You will see this option pop up like my picture below!



windows update 2


How-To install the Window’s updates 

Click on that option once you see it, and a new window will open, and you will click on ‘Check for Updates’.  This will run for a while, and so be patient!

windows update

Notice below it states you have 14 important updates, and 37 optional updates.  These 2 choices are in the blue lettering on the left.

We are going to install the ‘important updates’ first, and you notice that is in black text right above the ‘install updates’ button I’m pointing at in the picture.

windows update 4

Keep in mind depending on your internet speed, file size, number of updates, or a number of other factors this process may go for a while, or be rather quick.


You will notice the message will tell you that windows is downloading the files first, and then they install them. 

Most of the time the installations aren’t quick enough for you NOT to notice both steps. 

In the picture below the files were already downloaded, and it’s installing update 15.

windows update 3

There are times in which one update needs to be downloaded and installed all by itself.  Other times you will notice they all install at the same time.


See below that only three updates downloaded and installed.  Yet, the computer told us we had 14!  This is a perfect example to show you what I was talking about above.  Make sure you save any files, or programs you were working on, and then hit the ‘restart’ now button.

windows-update 5

Keep in mind that your restart and shut down may go a little slower, because the computer is processing these new files, updates, etc.  Again, that doesn’t happen all the time!  Yet, if the file is large?  It will take longer than normal.

Once the computer has started up again you will need to follow the steps we did once again, and install the next set of updates.  You will be doing this until all of them have been completed.  We will move on to the optional updates later, but we do need to take care of the important ones to keep your computer running properly.


Working with Optional Updates

Once you have the IMPORTANT updates done you move on the optional updates.   If you remember we had 37 optional updates!

Instead of just ‘installing updates’ we may need to look at these optional updates.  You can do that by clicking on the blue words, ‘37 optional updates are available’.  Then a new screen with a list of the updates will be provided.

windows update 4








We want to look at the updates since their OPTIONAL to see if want them or not!

Optional updates could be software updates to some of your hardware like your printer, or as we see below they are offering language packs.

If you speak Japanese?  You may want this one, and that is why it is selected by clicking on it.  If you don’t want the others?  Notice those are left blank.  You can pick all of them, or none of them!

At times you may not recognize what the optional update is, and you can either Google (search engine) the title of the update…or in some cases use some discernment with the title (for example Microsoft security fix) and choose to install it.

windows update 7

Again, you want to continue to do the windows update until FINALLY you have completed all of them!

When you have done all your windows updates, and optional updates you will get the below message! 

YEAH!  Your done!



Turning on Automatic updates

Majority of time people like to turn on automatic update notifications for  Windows Update.  This way your computer lets you know that updates are available!  You would get a similar notification like this at the bottom of your screen – on the left hand side.


(Notice the icon at the bottom!)

To Turn on Automatic Updates yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, type Windows update in the search box, and then click Windows Update 

windows update 8

  1. In the left pane, click Change settings.
  2. Select the option that you want.
  3. Under Recommended updates, select the Give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates or Include recommended updates when downloading, installing, or notifying me about updates check box, and then click OK.

Depending on your comfort level in this area you choose which is better for you.  Most go with the recommended option!


How-To Deal With Update Errors


windows update 6

From time to time you may get an update error, and the ‘try again’ option will work.

At times these errors could be that your internet is slow at the moment, or I have found at times a restart of the computer helps the error fix itself…and it finishes!

Notice the Code 66A, and it gives you link for help if all else fails.

If the article it links to makes no sense to you?  Google the error.  For example, “Windows 7 Update Code 66A”.  Check to see if other’s have dealt with this error, and read how they solved it!


Finally, remember windows updates are important for your computer!  You need to continue to check for updates from time to times on your own.  They claim the automatic updates will tell you when its time, but we have to remember this a machine.

If you haven’t see the reminder in a while?  Do your windows update manually once again like I have shown you, and keep it UP TO DATE!


If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner, and today’s lesson on “How-To do Windows Update for Windows 7?”

How-To do Windows Updates for Windows 8.1

Today’s How-To Guide for the computer beginner we are going attempt answer the question, ‘How-To do Windows Update for Windows 8.1?”


If you have Windows 8 there is an update to Windows 8.1.  Please check the Microsoft page to see if you are eligible! 

Today I will briefly explain:

Where is Windows Update? 

How do you install the Window’s updates? 

What are optional updates?

Turning on Automatic updates


Where is Windows Update?

In Windows 8:

You want to click or swipe on the right hand side of your screen to bring your charms bar UP!

Charms menu


At the very top you will see the ‘search’ option, and you need to click on that.    Then type “Windows Update”  Then select it.



OR You can also search under the ‘settings’ option.  Then you start typing, “Windows Update” !



Click on Windows update, and the Windows Update box will open.

Some people choose to go directly to the PC Settings, and then to ‘update and recovery” like the picture below

(I personally just click search, and type in windows update)

pc settings

8 windows up

Click the ‘check now’ to find the most up to date list available.

This may run for a while, unless you have been updating all long.

8 update

(Keep in mind below I will be using some windows 7 pictures for this lesson, because the screens are very similar in Windows 8)

When its complete you will get a similar looking message about the different updates YOUR computer will need!  The important section is similar to what we see below:


windows update_thumb[18]

Notice it says 14 important updates and 37 optional ones.  That is the blue letters on the left hand side of my picture above.

With Time majority of the ‘important’ ones are done automatically by windows 8.1 when you enable your computer to do that.  We will show you that later on! 


How-To install the Window’s updates 


Then you have the button on the right  that states “install updates”. 


windows update 4


Now when you click that button your computer will attempt to download, and then install those updates that Microsoft stated your computer needs. 

It will take a while for the updates to first download, and then install.  If your files are small?  It will be much quicker!

Be patient!

Once the process is complete your computer may ask you to restart the computer to finish the installation.


windows-update 5

When you restart you may see something similar to the below picture, because Windows 8 is completing its installation!




Keep in mind some updates need to be done by themselves, and other updates can be grouped together to install properly. 

Don’t ask me why, but windows update doesn’t always tell you that.  You will sometimes notice the computer telling you it only updated 3 out of the 14 updates.  Then asks you to ‘restart computer’.  That normally gives me the first clue that they needed to be installed separately.

Go ahead and allow the computer to restart.  The computer should restart on its own, but allow time for this.  It maybe slower to shut down and restart than your used too.

Once the computer is restarted?  Please do the above steps again for windows update, and install the remaining ones that are needed. 


Working with Optional Updates

Once you have the IMPORTANT updates done you move on the optional updates.   In the below picture you should see ‘Show All Available Updates” in blue letters.  You click on that!

8 update 2

Some of the optional updates you may recognize the program (like your printer for example) , and below I’m showing an update for Skype.   You make sure the box has the checkmark in it if you want the update, and you click install in the bottom right hand part of the picture below. 

8 update 3


I don’t use that program, and I’m sure Dell loaded on my machine when I bought it.  I left that ‘optional’ update unchecked.  You notice the ‘install’ area is greyed out, because I didn’t select this optional update.

I would say majority of the time you won’t recognize what the updates are for, and you can either google them…or install them.  It’s up to you, and that’s why they are called ‘optional’.

Again, you want to continue to do the windows update until FINALLY you have completed all of them!

When you have done all your windows updates, and optional updates you will get the below message! 

YEAH!  Your done!


windows update 8

Turning on Automatic updates

Majority of time people like to turn on automatic update notifications for  Windows Update

Let’s go back to the charm bar!  Then click on settings!


charm 2


Notice at the VERY bottom you will see, “Change PC settings”.  Click there.

optional 1

At the very bottom click update and recovery.

optional 2


On the right in red letters click:  Choose how updates get installed


At the top you have a pull down menu, and two places that you can select WHAT you wish! 

automatic 2

Depending on your comfort level in this area you choose which is better for you.  Most go with the recommended option!

What is nice about updates compared to past operating systems (in my opinion) is updates are done behind the scenes, and I don’t even know its working.  I still do windows updates regularly, and check for optional updates out of habit. 

With Windows 8 you may also get a similar as below, but it will state that they already installed your updates.  They will ask you to restart the computer.


(Notice the icon at the bottom!)

Keep in mind computers are machines, and if you haven’t see the reminder in a while?  Do your windows update manually once again like I have shown you, and keep it UP TO DATE!

You will notice when you go to shut down your computer updates were done behind the scenes, and they ask you WHEN they can install them. 

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner, and today’s lesson on “How-To do Windows Update for Windows 8.1?”

Saturday, 28 September 2013

What is the Windows Lock Screen?

Today’s How-To Guide for the computer beginner  handles the question:

What is the Windows Lock Screen?

In the past if you have a password you had to enter into your computer before it would completely boot up?  You saw a screen similar to the one below.  I have heard this referred to as the ‘sign on screen’.

As you can see below on a Windows 7 Machine?  A gentleman named “Paul” will have to enter his password to get into his account on this computer.
Windows 7 Sign on Screen
Windows 8 starts with a lock screen similar to the one below.  When you tap, double click, or hit a key on the board….
windows 8 lock screen
You will get a similar screen to Paul’s sign in screen we pictured first.

As you can tell with Windows 8 lock screen it gives you the most basic of information.  The time and the date are regular’s to show up! 

Depending your machine widgets, known as lock screen apps, they will allow you to view information – such as new emails, weather, calendar appointments, instant messages or social updates – without even unlocking your PC.  If you have  laptop?  It could show you how much battery life you have left.

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner, and today Explanation on What is the Windows Lock Screen.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

What is the Windows Key or Button? What are the Windows 8 Hotkeys or Shortcuts?

Today’s How-To Guide for the computer beginner is Called, “What is the Windows Key or Button?  What are the Windows 8 Hotkeys or Shortcuts?”

I also have a Hotkeys or Shortcut Cheat Sheet at the bottom to print out if you so wish.

What is the Windows Key or Window Button?

I have also heard this key being referred to as:
Windows Button
Windows Logo Key

They are the same thing – just different nicknames!

We will also go over Windows 8 Shortcuts using this button.  These shortcuts are also referred to as:

Windows 8 Shortcuts, or Windows 8 Shortcut Keys
Windows 8 Hot keys
Win8 Shortcuts

Again, same thing just a different label!

In Windows 8 in particular you will be using this key to navigate around your computer.  You will be using the windows key quite a lot!

Notice is has the logo most people identify for Windows Operating System Products.

Windows Key Window Button
Above is a picture of the windows Key, or Windows Button.

When you wish to return to the Start Screen you will push this windows key for example.  That would be called a ‘shortcut’.  Some refer to it as a keyboard shortcut, but again same thing different label.

What are the Windows 8 Hotkeys or Shortcuts?

Below are some examples of Window Key Shortcuts, but keep in mind most of the time people will reference how to use them.  Most people are NOT expecting you to know all of them – all the time!

The Strange looking graphic looks your Windows key pictured above.

The direction below are asking you to do two things.  First you want to hold down the Windows logo key that we have been talking about. 

Notice is also states +C.  This means to also push down the C key at the same time.

Its okay to push the Windows Logo key, and then hold it down to find the second key to push.  Just remember BOTH need to be held down at the same time for the result you are looking for.
Windows logo key Windows logo key +C
Open the Charms
Windows logo key Windows logo key +D
Display and hide the desktop
Windows logo key Windows logo key +F
Open the Search charm and search for files
Windows logo key Windows logo key
Display or hide the Start screen
If you would like to see a more complete list of Window Logo Key Shortcuts?  Microsoft has a very extensive list for you. 

Microsoft Windows 8 Logo Key Shortcut list

If you would like a print sheet of these Windows 8 hotkeys, or Windows 8 Shortcuts I uploaded them here for you to print.
Win8 Shortcuts – Printable Cheat Sheet

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner
On: What is the Windows Key or Button? What are the Windows 8 Hotkeys or Shortcuts?

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Where is the Start Menu for Windows 8?

Today’s How-To Guide for the computer beginner is about the Start menu for Windows 8.

We will be covering very briefly:

Where is the Start Menu in Windows 8
What is an App
What Is The Charms Bar, and the Charms themselves.
(I have animations at the very bottom on how to get the charms bar to appear using the mouse and touchscreen.)Windows Start Menu

Where is the start menu for Windows 8?

Here is a picture of a traditional start menu.

Well Microsoft wants to change things UP a bit now.

Microsoft no longer has what we have called in the past a ‘start menu’, but now they have what they called a start screen

They have basically moved the entire start menu onto what was once the traditional spot for our desktop

That is NOT to say that Windows no longer has a traditional desktop anymore.  THEY DO! 
We will get to that later, but lets move on….

Windows_8_Start_Screen_Start_MenuHere I have a picture of the start screen, but keep in mind your start screen may look a bit different.

Microsoft states it has expanded the Start menu, turning it into a full-screen launching pad for your programs.  

It seems what they are trying to do is combine a tablet type of device with the traditional computer. 

Most will say if you are going to get a computer with Windows 8 today a ‘touchscreen’ is a must.  That is NOT to say you can’t use a regular mouse as we have in the past.  Tablets are touchscreen, and instead of clicking as we normally would – we touch!

What is an APP?

Another NEW term they are using today instead of programs is APPS.

I honestly don’t see the big difference between what they call a ‘app’ and a program myself.  Windows 8 does have apps that can only be used on a Windows 8 machine.  That seems to be the only difference between the two.  If it is only for a Windows 8 machine?  They call it an app.

Another important NOTE is if your program runs on Windows 7?  It will still run on Windows 8.  So you don’t have to go out, and buy all NEW software!  That is a GOOD thing yes?!

If you have a fancy phone with ‘apps’ on it?  Windows 8 is the same principal.  You can go to the Windows 8 store, and buy apps (or programs) for your new computer.  In time no doubt there will all kinds of different apps, and YES even for free!

The manufacturer of your computer basically picked the programs, or what they called APPS onto your start screen presently.  That doesn’t mean you have to keep them, or you can’t change the appearance of your start screen to programs you would rather use.

What confused my teenagers is that they didn’t know where the rest of their programs – or apps – were. 

Since you no longer have a start button, or a option to click for ‘all programs’ like we did in the past?  What now?

What is the Charms Bar, and what are Charms?

Move your cursor  to the top right side of the screen – or bottom right hand of the screen.  If you have a touch screen?  Glide your finger to this portion of your screen.

You notice when you do this a Charm Bar comes up.  I’m pointing to it below, and placed a red box around it.

Charms menu
Notice you have 5 prominent ones.

Top magnifying glass is the Search Charm.

Second is a Share charm.

Third is the Windows Charm, and brings you back the start screen

Forth is the Device Charm

and Finally the last one is the Settings Charm.

Now if you glide your mouse (or finger) down in the Charms area they turn from almost transparent to a solid form.

Let’s Click on the Search Charm – or tap if you have touch screen.
Search Charm Apps Search

Now you can type in the white box above to search for the program – or app – you maybe looking for.

We will go into more detail at a later date.  I will tell you if you ever want to get back to the start screen again?

Windows 8 Windows key
Look on your keyboard for the Windows Key, and you click it.

We will also be writing more about the Charms menu at a later date, because it maybe one of the MOST important parts of this new operating system called, “Windows 8”.

Just a reminder!  The Start menu is now the Start screen in Windows 8.
Below is a brief video made by Dell Computers, and it gives you a visual on how to do the above if you have touchscreen.
Windows 8 Start Screen for Touch Screen Computers

Here is a animation on how to use the mouse to make the Charms bar Appear.

Here is an animation on how to use your finger and touchscreen to make the Charms Bar Appear.

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner lesson today on Where is the Start Menu for Windows 8?  Its call the Start Screen Now.