Showing posts with label operating-system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label operating-system. Show all posts

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

How-to Do a manual Windows Update

We have now answered the questions:

What is windows update?

How do you set automatic windows updates for Vista, Windows 7, or automatic windows updates for XP

If you noticed in our What is Windows update lesson I showed you a pictured of the task bar that at times gives you a notification to check your windows updates.

In today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner we will cover

How-to Manually check a windows update

If you have set your computer up for the automatic updates as we did in the past lesson your computer could be:
  1. Telling you that you have some optional updates to look at.

  2. The updates became available recently, and your scheduled update has not occurred since the availably.

I would say those are most common.

We would want to double click on the icon in our task bar that appeared in your notification area – as pictured above.
In this example, I have both important updates and optional updates.

What Windows Updates to Choose

I have two options here.  I can just go ahead, and install updates by clicking on the button, or I can take a look at the updates themselves to make a decision.

As I mentioned in a prior lesson I tend to install the important or critical updates when prompted to do so.  The optional updates I tend to like to look at before I install them.  Today we will look at both just so you can see them.  Click on the blue words, ‘2 important updates are available’.  You will come to the screen below
You can read the description of each update by clicking the box next to the name one at a time, and in the blue section it will give a description.  Microsoft also supplies you hotlinks to articles for more information.

You don’t have to click all the updates individually, but of course can if you want to.  If you notice in the picture above we can click on the top box, and that will select ALL the important updates listed.
You would click OK at the bottom of the screen when you are done selecting your windows updates in this section.  This will bring you back to the original

select-optional-windows-updates screen, and you can do the same clicking on the blue words  1 optional update is available

In my picture above they are telling me that I have an optional update for my Kodak printer.  I can either make the decision to select the update for my printer, or I can make the decision NOT TO.  Again I can click OK, and I’m brought back to the original screen once again – seen below.

Install Windows Updates

Since I know what updates the computer asking me permission to update?  I can click INSTALL UPDATES at this point.
You will at this point get a progress screen as the program progresses. Depending on the size or number of updates you chose to do?  It could take some time.

I have found if your computer internet speed is slower?  If you do smaller numbers of windows updates at times – starting with older ones moving to newer ones?  It will go faster, or if your computer struggles with these updates?  It doesn’t seem to hang up or freeze up as much when you do them in smaller parts.
At times you are prompted to reboot your computer, and that will finish installing the updates.

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner on doing a manual windows update!!

How-To allow Windows Updates to run automatically in Windows XP

In Windows XP you can configure your windows update to be done automatically.  In a past lesson we explained What is a Windows Update?

Today’s How-To Guide For the Computer Beginner we will learn:
How-To allow Windows XP Updates to run automatically.

Windows Updates For Windows XP

In Windows XP we want to click on our start button, and in the search box type in ‘windows update’. 
We are going to make sure your computer settings are set to do the windows updates automatically.
Look to the left hand side of this new window, and we want to click on ‘settings’.
Once you open t
his section it will give a number of different options for you to choose from.
As you can see on top you have a pull down box, and it will give you different option of WHEN to do the updates.  To make sure you get all the available service packs for windows XP?  They state the easier way is by the automatic update option.

If this does not work?  How to install Windows XP Service Pack 3
or How to Obtain the Latest Windows XP service Pack.

I have my computer on all the time, and I choose the option of allowing the computer to do my windows updates at 3:00 am each day.  I know I will be sleeping, and it won’t interrupt things during the day when the computer is in use.

You can change these times and dates to what you best for your circumstance.
You can click APPLY and then OKAY at the bottom to save your changes.

You have now changed your computer to do your windows updates automatically.

Don’t forget to read the article on manually doing windows updates!

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

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Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner, and today’s lesson on turning on automatic windows updates on Windows XP!!

How-To allow Windows Updates to run automatically in Vista or Windows 7

In Windows Vista or Windows Seven (7) you can configure your windows update to be done automatically.  In a past lesson we explained What is a Windows Update?

Today’s How-To Guide For the Computer Beginner we will learn:
How-To allow Windows Updates to run automatically.

Updates For Windows

In Windows Vista or Windows 7 we want to click on our start button, and in the search box type in ‘windows update’.  You will see at the top of the start menu the option for Windows update as seen below, and we want to click on windows update to open a new screen
Once the new window appears it will note the windows updates that are available for your computer.  We are going to make sure your computer settings are set to do the windows updates automatically.
Look to the left hand side of this new window, and we want to click on ‘change settings’.
Once you open this section it will give a number of different options for you to choose from.
As you can see on top you have a pull down box, and it will give you different options to choose from.
  1. Install updates automatically (recommended) - If you select this option then all critical updates will be downloaded automatically and installed on your computer. These updates will be installed at the time you specify in the fields labeled Install new updates. This is the recommended option for the majority of people as it guarantees that you have all the critical updates automatically installed on your computer.

  2. Download updates but let me choose whether to install them - If you select this option, Windows will download updates to your computer, but not install them automatically. If you want to install the updates then you must install them manually. You should only select this option if you have a reason for not installing updates automatically. Only advanced users should use this option.

  3. Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them - If you select this option, you will be alerted when there are new updates available to download and install. You can then choose to download and install the updates that you wish. This option should really only be used by people who know exactly what updates they need or those who have limited access to the Internet.

  4. Never check for updates (not recommended) - If you select this option, Windows will never automatically check for updates. This option should never be selected as it puts your computer at great risk to being compromised, infected, or hacked.

I have my computer on all the time, and I choose the option of allowing the computer to do my windows updates at 3:00 am each day.  I know I will be sleeping, and it won’t interrupt things during the day when the computer is in use.
You can change these times and dates to what you best for your circumstance.
I have opted to have my recommended updates done at the same time as my important or critical updates.
You may also have the second option of asking WHO may do the windows updates for the computer.  If you leave this unchecked it would only the administrators on the computer. 
These messages deal with the optional updates.  These are the ones that you can choose to see if they are important for you computer or NOT important.

You can click OKAY at the bottom to save your changes.

You have now changed your computer to do your windows updates automatically.

Make sure you also read How-To do a manual windows update!

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.
Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner, and today’s lesson on turning on automatic windows updates on Vista and Windows 7!!

What is a Windows Update?

With every version of Windows that I can remember you were always given messages about ‘windows updates’.  I was asked some rather conflicting questions about windows updates, and so as you might have guessed today’s

How To Guide for the computer beginner is

What is Windows Update?

Microsoft provides windows updates, and you normally see these on your right side of the task bar in the notification area.
If you hoover over the icon that the mouse pictures are showing it will give you a message that there is a windows update available.

There are different types of updates.  Updates are classified as Important, Recommended, Optional, and Featured.

Important Updates (or Critical updates) are updates that they ask you do download right away.  They are normally have security issues involved with them.  They are to help keep your privacy, security, and vulnerability to crooks a minimum.    It could be that Microsoft found a hole they want to patch up, or found that hackers found a way to penetrate the windows system. 

Recommended Updates are updates to various components of the operating system that should be installed for proper functionality.

Optional Updates, are new features, updates, or Ultimate Extras that are not necessary to install for proper functionality of the operating system or applications.  In the last windows update that I did for example, they mentioned my printer software had an update to download.

Featured you don’t really see anymore, but if you ever do they will give you a description of the update.  You will be able to decided if it is something that your computer will find beneficial.   In other words, its little extras if you want them.

Do I need to install these windows updates?

At the bare minimum the important or critical updates, along with the recommended updates YES you should!
I have heard people mention these updates slow down your computer, or cause issues.

They don't necessarily slow the PC down - having too many computer applications open at once, or viruses, or a cluttered/full hard drive are more likely culprits!

If you found you had to do a large number of windows updates then do a bit of computer maintenance, like defrag your computer, etc afterwards.

The optional or featured updates give you description of what they are, and you make the decision as to which ones are important TO YOU and your circumstance.

Can Windows Updates be done automatically?

What is nice about newer operating systems is YES the critical and recommended updates can be done automatically for you.

In a future lessons we will go over how to configure your computer to do that for you.

The optional windows updates are just that – optional.  You will have to make a choice as to whether or not you wish to download those.  We will go into that more later.

Windows Updates – Final thoughts

Each home computer will have to do their own updates separately.  It is the Administrator will have to do the updates as well.

From time to time to a windows update message will appear on your desktop to ask you to restart your computer.  This is asked so that they update can be installed properly.  You normally have an option of restarting NOW or later.
If you have a huge amount of windows updates to do on your computer?  I have personally found if you do them in order of date – older ones first – and in groups of maybe 3-5 updates at a time?  They update faster, and with less problems. 

If you have a fast computer, or fast internet speed?  You may not have to go that route.  Be patient though, when you have huge amount of updates it does take time.

Message from Microsoft:

There are a number of reasons an update might fail. Windows Update needs to be able to scan your computer for needed updates, download the updates, and then install the updates. If something goes wrong during any one of these stages, it can prevent an update from being installed on your computer. For more information about an error or failure, click the Help link in the error message. If there isn't a topic on the specific error, see Troubleshoot problems with installing updates for more information.

At times we all have issues with our computer or our internet provider.  Most of the time unless there is truly some issue with your computer or internet provider it’s a fluke.  Try the update again, and chances are it will go just fine.

If it is a rather large update, and your computer is slower either in speed or internet?  Do that update all by itself.  Let all your computer resources go towards the update.  In other words don’t do other things on the computer while it tries to update.

I was doing some work on a friend’s computer recently, and our internet provider was having issues due to the weather.  Her computer needed over 70 updates, and I did them in groups of 5 at a time.  If the update was LARGE?  I did it one at a time.  Due to the weather at times the internet would completely stop, and I had to start all over again.  YES it was annoying, but needed to be done.

In future articles I will go into more detail on Windows Updates.

I wanted to be sure you knew what they were first.
Setup Automatic Windows Updates on Vista or Windows 7
Setup Automatic Windows Updates on Windows XP
Do a Manual Windows update

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided below.

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Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner on What is a Windows Update!!

Thursday, 28 July 2011

What is a Computer Application? Application Software?

In the past I did an article about the differences between Hardware and Software.    Then I wrote about what is a computer process


I have noticed that I come across questions that get a bit more technical in nature.  I decided I would try to explain in laymen terms today one of the more technical terms you may have heard about.


Today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner is:  What is a computer application?  What is application software?


I think the best way to explain it is to introduced first what we call:

System Software


computer-applicationSystem software is programs that make you computer run.  It would be your operating system for example.    The system software is what makes your computer work.  It tells you computer to turn on, tells your computer hardware what to do.


I would say most of the time we take our system software for granted, because we don’t do to much literally with it.  The system software basically helps operate our computer.  It tells the machine – this is the keyboard, this is the monitor, this is the memory, etc.  It also shows the computer what to do with those things.


As you may see in  our picture today there are other technical system software categories as well.


Here is a brief description with additional pictures to show you system software.


Computer Application or Application Software


A computer application or application software would be a program like for example, Office 2010.  Office 2010 is what they call a Suite of programs.  It has more than one program you can use.  It may include Access, Excel, Word, Outlook, etc.


It laymen terms?  Its another word for a computer program or an executable file.   You execute the file most of the time by double clicking the programs icon.


Software that allows users to do things like create text documents, play games, listen to music, or surf the web are called Application Software.  If we view out picture today we can see programs that we may use to do some of the tasks mentioned.  If you deal with pictures (graphics) that would also be an computer application or application software.


Here is an article that goes into more technical terms for the computer application, or application software.


Computer Hope has a webpage called, The complete listing of Computer software.  These are all computer applications or application software.  Keep in mind new software is coming out all the time, but it sure does look like they nailed most of them!


That is our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner on Computer application, application software, and system software.


If you have any questions, comments or concerns?  Please leave you note in the area supplied below.


Also keep in mind that if you enter your email address in the subscription box below future lessons will be sent to your email box.





Friday, 13 June 2008

How do I find out what version of windows I have?

From time to time you will need to know what version of windows operating system you are presently running.


With the newer operating systems you also need to know if you are a 32 bit or a 64 bit operating system.


Today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner is about versions of windows.  In particular what version of windows do I have?


I have to admit I get more questions like these that we will answer as well


64 bit vs 32 bit
32 bit or 64 bit
is my system 32 or 64 bit


We will start with the older versions of Windows, and then move into Vista and Windows 7.


What Version of Windows do I have?

This is a very easy process I promise!!

my-computer-iconFind 'My Computer' on your desktop




Right Click on “My Computer”.  You will be given some options, and we are looking for ‘properties’



click-properties Click on Properties




If you look at this XP Windows menu, we will look under the GENERAL tab at the top. 


Versions of Windows older than XP follow these same directions.

This version of windows is noted


Windows Version:

Microsoft Windows XP

Home Edition

Version 2002

Service Pack 2


If you are having a hard time finding the MY COMPUTER icon we can go at this a different way.


First we must click on your start button


start-menu-my-computerand find the MY COMPUTER (right side of this screen shot)

Again you must Right click on MY COMPUTER, and look for Properties, and click on that.

The system properties window up pop up, and it will tell you what version of windows you are running!





Version of windows, 32 bit or 64 bit


system-informationIn Vista or Windows 7 you can push your start button, and start to type ‘system information’ in the box pictured.


system-informationYou will see the system information tab come up! Click it, and there you have it!

I will admit the system information tab at times is a little to technical for some people, and YES there is an easier way to find your version of windows.


If you someone needs the technical information?  The above is the way to show them about your operating system.


Most of the time you will just need your version of windows, but also remember these questions?


64 bit vs 32 bit
32 bit or 64 bit
is my system 32 or 64 bit


There will be times in which you will need to update your java, or another program.  They will ask you what version of windows, and how many bits you are currently using in your version of the windows operating system.  That is why it is important to know how many bits your system has.


Don’t worry this is EASY as well!  I prefer doing it this way, because you get your version of windows, and your 32 bit or 64 bit information at the same time.


Lets go to the start button once again, and move over to control panel.




Once you are in control panel you will look for System and Security.  Its in green, and you want to click on the green ‘system and security’ words.




A new screen will appear, and you again wish to click on the green word ‘system’.




The last screen will pop up, and you will get a summary of your windows system.




This is the middle section of the screen that will pop up.  The top section tells you what operating system you have, and this middle section will tell you if you are 32 bit computer or 64 bit operating system.


Look closely to the ‘system type’, and you will see this operating system is 64 bit.




Or if you are in the classic view of the control panel click the system icon to find your version of windows.




Once you click on the system icon your basic information about your computer will pop up.




If you look above?  Windows Vista Home Premium, Service Pack 2 is our windows version.  That is under the ‘windows edition’ top section


If you look at the ‘system type’ this picture shows 32-bit operating system.  That is in the second section called, ‘system’.


I will tell you it won’t be that often that you will need to have some of this information, but it is helpful to have handy. 


I think most people can remember what operating system they currently have, but they do have trouble remembering how many bits.


Well!  Now you can show them!  Won’t you LOOK smart!


I hope today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner was helpful to you.  If you are still having trouble figuring out what version of windows you have, or if your system is 32 bit or 64 bit just leave a comment to tell me where I lost you.


As Always, don’t forget to leave your email in the subscribe section I have provided.  You will be sent future lessons directly to your email!