Thursday, 19 June 2008

Set home page Firefox, Change home page in Internet Explorer

One of the first basic computer training lessons I received was change home page in Internet Explorer. Set the home page in Firefox will also be covered today!

What is a home page? Generally the first page retrieved when accessing a Web site. When you turn on your computer, and you access the internet that first image you see is the home page.

When I first brought home my computer, and set it up and FIRED up the internet I noticed it went to page that I really didn't have much use for! I can understand the marketing efforts of the maker of the computer brand WANTING me to see their homepage, but the first thing I wanted to do was change the homepage in internet explorer. If you use Firefox it was: Change homepage in Firefox!

The reason I wanted to change the homepage was for easy access to my email account! You may have different reasons, but I wanted to check my email first thing so change home page was needed when I first got the computer!

In beginner computer training you will learn that your home page or startup page within your web browser is the same page everytime you load it. Below is a short video lesson that shows how to change your homepage:

Lets go over this computer basic just one more time!

Set Homepage in IE

Open the web browser.

Go to the webpage that you want to set as your homepage.

Look to the top of our screen to find the tools.

Then you click the tools you will see an option called internet options

Click the internet options, and then look for the General Tab

There will be a Use Current option in that window. Click that to set your homepage for the future.

Click APPLY, and the OK!

You changed home page internet explorer! Wasn't that easy?

Change homepage in Firefox

Open the web brower

Go to the webpage that you want to set as your homepage.

Look to the top of your web browser to find the tools.

Click the tools, and you will see an menu item named options.

Click the options, and find the 'use the current page' button

Click that current page, and click apply and then click OK

Your home page for Firefox is now set! Pretty neat HUH?

Change homepage in Safari

Changing the home page in Safari can be quite easy as well! Go to the page you will to change to your homepage!

Click on the Safari icon in the dock.

Click on Safari in your Safari menu, located at the top of your screen. When the drop-down menu appears, choose Preferences.

Select General from the Preferences menu, which is now overlaying your browser window. Once General is selected, you will notice a section labeled Home Page in the main window of the Preferences dialog.

Directly to the right of the "Home Page" label is an edit field containing your current home page URL or webpage.

To change this address, simply erase the contents of the edit field and replace it with the desired web address or URL to your new homepage.

Directly below this edit field you will see a button labeled Set to Current Page. Clicking this button will change your home page setting to whatever page you are currently viewing within the Safari browser.

Once you have completed your changes, close the Safari Preferences dialog by clicking the red circle/x located in the top left hand corner of the box.

Set Home page for Safari Video

Let is our Learning Computer Basics online lesson for today! I hope you now feel comfortable enough to change your homepage in Firefox, Change your Homepage in Internet Explorer (ie), or Change your homepage in Safari! As always please use the comment section if you have any questions or comments!

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Getting to know your web browser!

Part of basic computer training is learning to use the internet. Today we are going to learn about the web browser! What is a web browser? What are the parts of the web browser?

Display Window

The web browser has a 'display window' you are viewing this lesson in! Its basically the work space you are reading this computer basic lesson in! Web browsers pulls documents up on your screen!

There are a couple of different kinds of web browsers that seem to be the most popular!


IE or Internet Explorer was my first one! At one time that was pretty much all that was available as well!

Later came Mozilla FireFox as well - also very popular! There are number of different ones now of course - not just these two!

No matter what web browser you use it will have tools to navigate the web (or internet)! In addition to finding web pages (like the one you are on now), web browsers can MARK pages that interest you as well called favorites.


Most web browsers use the same basic functions, and similar navigation tools! I will use Internet Explorer in this lesson, because it seems MOST beginners start with that one! Don't worry if you use a different web browser - they all have the functions we will learn about!

Web Browsers are more similar than they are different, and all share the concept of a "start" or "home" page. This is the first Web page or website displayed after launching the program.

A default page is built into the software when you first use it, but the user may choose a different place to start. Alot of people call this their HOME page as well! I will show you how to change that home page in a different lesson.

How to Launch Web Browser

To start your web browser you may have done one of two things!

1) Double click on the icon on the desktop

Internet Explorer Icon has a big lower case 'e'.Internet Explorer

Firefox icon looks like this: cursor


2) From the Start Menu - going to programs. Then select your web browser under the program list.

Starting Page or Home Page

When your web browser starts it will immediately open a page that is set up as the starting page. Again - some people call it their home page! For example, Internet Explorer opens Microsoft's or MSN's homepage on the web (or internet).



At the VERY top of your screen is the

Title bar: Again the title bar is at the very top of your browser window; in both Firefox and Internet Explorer. You'll see the title of the Web page there; for example, you should see "Learning Computer Basics - Getting to know your web browser!" at the top of your browser window right now.


Most of the time it also tells you what web browser you are using.  Our Web Browser below is Internet Explorer.




If you move all the way to the right of the title bar you will see something that should be familiar to you.



The first is the minimize button.  The next is the Maximize button.  Then lastly, you have the close button.

IAddress Bar:  Starting from Left

Back Button and Forward Button on your web browser 


back button forward button

The first arrow is called the 'back button'. What do you do with the back button? YOU go BACK to where you were before - each click of the back button brings you back ONE page!


The opposite arrow WELL it goes the opposite direction! That is called the forward button. It goes forward one page. MOST of the time you will use the back button on your web browser.

Also, when the button is greyed like forward button pictured? It means you can’t go forward anymore.


Below is the address for my home page for this blog.  If you look at the address bar on your browser you will see this address, plus addition information.  The reason for that is each separate page on the internet has its own address.


address bar


You will hear people talk about website addresses all the time!

For example,

is pronounced, "doubleyou, doubleyou, doubleyou" or WWW then 'DOT' for the period then 'yahoo' and again 'DOT' KOM!

doubleyou - doubleyou - doubleyou - dot - yahoo - dot - KOM!

Tip: You do not have to type "http://". Your browser software assumes you want to use the http protocol since you are using a Web browser. You don't have to mention it to most people either due to that reason! Your computer ALREADY knows that part!

Web address are also called URL's which stands for Uniform Resource Locators. You don't have to know the formal name - URL is fine! You enter that web address in that long window that has either 'address' or 'GO TO' mentioned in the web browser! You hit your enter button on your keyboard or the symbol right next to the address bar and OFF you go!

Keep in mind some addresses have numbers, Dots (.), dashes (-), or underscores (_) and you will need to type those as well. Underscores reminds me of that line you use to UNDERLINE things you want to point out more strongly!

Lets move to the rest of the address bar on your web browser.

refresh stop button


The first symbol in the next set is the capability button. We aren’t going to cover that today, and not all web browsers have this button.

You see the double arrow button that almost looks like it is going in a circular motion? That is called the 'refresh button' or alot of people call it RELOAD button. There are a couple of different instances in which you may use the refresh button within the web browser.

You want the MOST up to date screen - hit the refresh button or reload button page in the browser bar!

Stop Button on your web browser

Do you see the (X) button next? That is the STOP button! Click this stop button if you want to stop loading the current page. Some sites have pages that are very large and take a long time to load. The Stop button will help stop the loading of the page, and allow you to move backwards.


home page button

Home Button on your web browser

The HOUSE button takes you back to your home page! The home button returns you to your designated "home page" or 'start page'. The place you started when you clicked the web browser to open at the beginning!


You may notice with some web browser they have more than one location for the HOME button.



Menu Bar

In Internet Explorer, the different menus available are File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools and Help.

    Slide your mouse over one of the menu options (File, Edit, View, etc.).
    The menu you've selected should be highlighted in blue.
    Click the left mouse button once. A menu will slide down.
    Slide your mouse over the item in the menu that you would like to select.
    Click once with the left mouse button to select the item.


Today you have options to add on to this bar to meet your needs.  That would be covered in the helps section depending on which web browser you use.


navigation bar in web browser


Lastly, This is the navigation bar within your web browser.  You notice the HOME button again?


The Orange symbol is the RSS feed button.  We will learn about that later.


The next button is your email, and depending on what browser you use?  You can sent this up to email someone – even yourself – directly from the browser.

Printer Button on the browser tool bar

If you want to print a page you click that!


The rest of the buttons normally are things came with your web browser when it was downloaded.  The question mark is for Help section on this bar.


Some of the symbols towards the end are tools I added myself to my web browser.

At the bottom of your web browser window, and generally on your left hand side you will have your

Status bar: Again this is the box or area at the bottom of your browser window. The status bar displays all sorts of information, depending on what you're doing at the time, but mostly it's for showing load speed and the URL of whatever address your mouse is hovering over.

For example in mine currently it says 'done' because the page is done loading. If I move to a different web page it will tell me the loading speed, or display the website. Next time you move to a different page LOOK there, and view what I'm talking about!


Keep in mind some of the newer web browsers do not have this.

Lastly, in a web browser you have the scroll bar!

Scroll Bars: If you've ever been to a website that you had to "scroll down" to read something, then you've used the scroll bars. They're just navigational/directional aids.


That is all I have for today for Learning computer basics, and Getting to KNOW your Web Browser! As always please use the comment section if you don't understand something, or if you think I missed an area! We will go into more detail in further computer online lessons!

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Dialog Boxes what are they and what do they do?

printer-dialog-boxLast time we spoke about Menu options, and I mentioned if the option has "..." following it you will need to input information into a dialog box! 'FIND...' was the example in the last lesson.

I have pictured today a PRINTER menu screen, and we can use the different dialog boxes to tell the computer which printer to use, how many copies of the document we wish to have, what pages to print, etc.

When you click on these menu options you will open a type of dialog box.  Today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner is what are Dialog boxes, and what do they do?

Dialog Box Examples

The most common one that I see these days is the tabs which I'm sure look familiar!  In the menu options below you would be choosing a tab by clicking on it.  Then the dialog boxes will ask more information about BUTTONS in this case with the picture below.

dialog tabs menu

Here you can see what the some common types of dialog boxes look like.  I have numbered them for us, and went into the descriptions below of these common dialog boxes.


1) Click on an item in the list box to select it. Use the scroll bar to see items out of view. For this example I took this example from a screensaver menu!

2) Use the tiny arrows in the spin control box to move through the list of available values. Only one value will be visible at a time. You can also type in a value. This type of input number representing a size.

3) Drag the slide. The text below will change as your sliding hits new values. This case is speed.

4) This is a text box option.  It shows you what folder the computer has chosen for this task.   If you don’t wish to use the chosen folder would you click ‘choose folder’ to change it.

5) Click on the circle of your choice, called a radio button. In a group of radio buttons, only one choice can be chosen at a time.

6) Click a checkbox to select it. At times you will have more than one box to choose from! This one just had the single! 

I notice these types of checkboxes when you are installing a new program.  They have the box already selected asking you if it is okay to install additional programs , or options for you.    All to often I see programs dialog-boxasking to install a toolbar.  I never let the programs do that.  If I want the toolbar I will install it separately.




7) Clicking the down arrow will open up a drop list (or dropdown list) of choices. Click on your choice just like in a list box.

Goodness knows there are more types than this!

Keep in mind MOST dialog boxes have a red "?" in the upper right hand corner. You can click that question mark, and it will have information about the dialog box itself! In some cases you can right click, and choose the option 'what's this?"

What do Dialog Boxes Do?

Dialog boxes ask you to enter additional information or setting for the activity you are currently working on.

Think of it like when you go the shoe store to buy shoes.

The sales person hands you the first menu

Are the shoes for men, women or a child? The dialog box would have an option for each.  You click child.  Next choice gender…

What type of shoe are we looking for? (gym shoes, dress shoes, sandals)

What size are you looking for……

I’m sure you get the idea here. Dialog boxes basically narrows down the menu choices.  It goes into MORE detail if you will.

I hope you enjoyed today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner is what are Dialog boxes, and what do they do!


As always if you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave a comment.

Also don’t forget to leave your email in the subscription box below, so that future lessons are sent to you directly.

Monday, 16 June 2008

Start Button On Computer? Where is the Start Menu?

When I started to help some friends and family with their computer skills one of the first questions they asked was, “What is a start button?”


That is when I realized I need to slow down, because some of the computer stuff maybe second nature to me!  It hardly is the case with the person I was speaking to.


The Start Button and the Start Menu are something you will be using on a regular basis when using your computer.


Today’s How-To Guide for the Computer beginning is: What is the start button?  Where is the Start Menu?


What is a Start Button

windows-7-start-buttonThis is what the Windows 7 Start Button looks like





This is the Windows Vista Start Button



The had a awesome picture of different start buttons you might see on your computer! Same principal as above!













What is a Start Menu?

When you click on one of the above start buttons?  The START MENU will appear.




This would be a Windows 7 Start menu.


You would see this AFTER you click the start button.






Vista start menu

Again you see this AFTER you click on the Vista Start Button









This the same with Windows XP start menu.


Notice the cursor clicked on the start button in this picture!








This is the same principal with older operating systems like Windows 98.

Once you click that start button? You start menu will appear.






If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.  Remember!  I can also learn from the computer beginner!

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.


Thank you for reading out How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner on start button and start menus!!




What are Menu Options? Sub Menus?

menu option arrow

Windows have TONS of menus! What is a menu option?

Today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner is our explanation of Menu Options.

Compare the term menu options to when you go out to eat at a restaurant.    You tell the wait staff what meal you would like to have, and they tell you that you have  MENU OPTIONS for your choice of potatoes.  You have a choice between mashed, hash browns, French fries, or baked.

The concept of menu options is pretty much the same, and YES I realize the wait staff ISN’T going to use ‘menu options’ at your table (giggles).

For example, lets click your start menu.  I have pictured here a older operating system, Called Windows 98.


you have an arrow.  I have circled and pointed to the ‘documents’ example in our picture today.

That arrow will tell you that you will get a submenu when you click on it (remember our potatoes example).

In this example with this Windows 98 picture the Documents arrow will open up a list of documents that you have saved on your computer.

Menus, Menu Options, and SUB Menus!

Sometimes your MENUS that have SUBMENUS even have MENUS themselves like our example of this Windows XP choice.


Notice the computer user first clicked on ‘settings’, and then on ‘control panel’, and moved on to ‘sounds and audio devices’.

If we use our potatoes example again?  Our First menu option would have been the type of potatoes as we mentioned above. 

Lets say you made your choice of ‘mashed potatoes’. 

A SUB menu option window would ask you:  Butter, Sour cream, Chives as you choices of what you would LIKE on your mashed potatoes.

You can always tell if you have additional choices, or another menu – submenu by noticing the arrow again.  I pointed to them in this pictured of the Windows XP machine.

Menu Options NOT available! Menu Options that require user information!

greyed-out-menu-optionsNow if you notice some menus have odd appearances!

For example look at this screenshot, and you will notice that some of the options are greyed out!

Those greyed out options means they are NOT currently available for use at this time.


Other menu options have the ‘…’ like the RUN pictured here!

Normally, if you click this you will get a dialog box that opens, and the computer user will have to enter some information.

Explanation of the FIND menu option!


the Find Menu Option is a great example of the computer user having the to enter information.

The find menu option (pictured is older operating system) opens into a dialog box.

If you notice in the upper right hand corner next to the X you will see a question mark.  That is your help section in case you are NOT sure what the dialog box is asking you for.

Find Menu Options

Window Element Element Type Description
Find What Required Text File Enter the text that you want to find.
Match Whole words only Checkbox If you select this box, the system does not find a string if it is contained in a longer word. For example, if your search criteria is "Some," it would not find the word "Sometimes".
Match Case Checkbox Select to distinguish between upper case and lower case letters in a search.
Direction Radio button Choose the direction of the search. (up or down the document)
Find Next Button
Click to highlight the requested text.
Cancel Button
Click to close the window.

Menu Options Already in Use!

Another option is you may see a checkmark that indicates you are using an option that is currently active.

You notice in the is picture the menu options ‘play sounds’ and ‘automatically show deals’ are checked.  They are in use currently.

In conclusion, Menu Options, or Sub Menus are basically used to narrow down your choices.

Next time you go to breakfast?  Think MENU OPTIONS!

Eggs – scrambled, sunny side up, sunny side down, fried, etc.

Toast – wheat, rye, white or biscuit.

Orange juice – small, medium or large

Coffee – regular or Decaf?

We deal with menu options and sub menus in life all the time.

If you have ANY questions or comments about our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner on “Computer Menu Options” please feel free to leave us a note in the box supplied below.

Also make sure you leave your email address in our subscription we have supplied to received future lessons sent your email box!

Friday, 13 June 2008

How do I find out what version of windows I have?

From time to time you will need to know what version of windows operating system you are presently running.


With the newer operating systems you also need to know if you are a 32 bit or a 64 bit operating system.


Today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner is about versions of windows.  In particular what version of windows do I have?


I have to admit I get more questions like these that we will answer as well


64 bit vs 32 bit
32 bit or 64 bit
is my system 32 or 64 bit


We will start with the older versions of Windows, and then move into Vista and Windows 7.


What Version of Windows do I have?

This is a very easy process I promise!!

my-computer-iconFind 'My Computer' on your desktop




Right Click on “My Computer”.  You will be given some options, and we are looking for ‘properties’



click-properties Click on Properties




If you look at this XP Windows menu, we will look under the GENERAL tab at the top. 


Versions of Windows older than XP follow these same directions.

This version of windows is noted


Windows Version:

Microsoft Windows XP

Home Edition

Version 2002

Service Pack 2


If you are having a hard time finding the MY COMPUTER icon we can go at this a different way.


First we must click on your start button


start-menu-my-computerand find the MY COMPUTER (right side of this screen shot)

Again you must Right click on MY COMPUTER, and look for Properties, and click on that.

The system properties window up pop up, and it will tell you what version of windows you are running!





Version of windows, 32 bit or 64 bit


system-informationIn Vista or Windows 7 you can push your start button, and start to type ‘system information’ in the box pictured.


system-informationYou will see the system information tab come up! Click it, and there you have it!

I will admit the system information tab at times is a little to technical for some people, and YES there is an easier way to find your version of windows.


If you someone needs the technical information?  The above is the way to show them about your operating system.


Most of the time you will just need your version of windows, but also remember these questions?


64 bit vs 32 bit
32 bit or 64 bit
is my system 32 or 64 bit


There will be times in which you will need to update your java, or another program.  They will ask you what version of windows, and how many bits you are currently using in your version of the windows operating system.  That is why it is important to know how many bits your system has.


Don’t worry this is EASY as well!  I prefer doing it this way, because you get your version of windows, and your 32 bit or 64 bit information at the same time.


Lets go to the start button once again, and move over to control panel.




Once you are in control panel you will look for System and Security.  Its in green, and you want to click on the green ‘system and security’ words.




A new screen will appear, and you again wish to click on the green word ‘system’.




The last screen will pop up, and you will get a summary of your windows system.




This is the middle section of the screen that will pop up.  The top section tells you what operating system you have, and this middle section will tell you if you are 32 bit computer or 64 bit operating system.


Look closely to the ‘system type’, and you will see this operating system is 64 bit.




Or if you are in the classic view of the control panel click the system icon to find your version of windows.




Once you click on the system icon your basic information about your computer will pop up.




If you look above?  Windows Vista Home Premium, Service Pack 2 is our windows version.  That is under the ‘windows edition’ top section


If you look at the ‘system type’ this picture shows 32-bit operating system.  That is in the second section called, ‘system’.


I will tell you it won’t be that often that you will need to have some of this information, but it is helpful to have handy. 


I think most people can remember what operating system they currently have, but they do have trouble remembering how many bits.


Well!  Now you can show them!  Won’t you LOOK smart!


I hope today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner was helpful to you.  If you are still having trouble figuring out what version of windows you have, or if your system is 32 bit or 64 bit just leave a comment to tell me where I lost you.


As Always, don’t forget to leave your email in the subscribe section I have provided.  You will be sent future lessons directly to your email!




Thursday, 12 June 2008

What is Spyware? What do you because it can't be GOOD?!

PC Vs Mac Spyware Commercial -

That commercial just tickles me! PC gave you an idea of what spyware is!

From From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the definition is:

Spyware is computer software that is installed surreptitiously on a personal computer to intercept or take partial control over the user's interaction with the computer, without the user's informed consent.

While the term spyware suggests software that secretly monitors the user's behavior, the functions of spyware extend well beyond simple monitoring. Spyware programs can collect various types of personal information, such as Internet surfing habit, sites that have been visited, but can also interfere with user control of the computer in other ways, such as installing additional software, redirecting Web browser activity, accessing websites blindly that will cause more harmful viruses, or diverting advertising revenue to a third party. Spyware can even change computer settings, resulting in slow connection speeds, different home pages, and loss of Internet or other programs. In an attempt to increase the understanding of spyware, a more formal classification of its included software types is captured under the term privacy-invasive software.

In response to the emergence of spyware, a small industry has sprung up dealing in anti-spyware software. Running anti-spyware software has become a widely recognized element of computer security best practices for Microsoft Windows desktop computers. A number of jurisdictions have passed anti-spyware laws, which usually target any software that is surreptitiously installed to control a user's computer.

Major YUCK right???

Along with Spyware you have other types of infections!

Adware, Malware, Spyware all very hard on computers, and can cause all kinds of issues!

One thing I get asked alot is, "WHAT did we do to get it there in the first place?" The simplest answer is pretty much nothing! Its pretty much IS part of the Internet community, and for PC users (remember the commercial) its part of our reality online!

Another thing you need to remember is these infections are like an onion! You peel off the first layer, and you still have that next layer of skin!

We are going to use what I call the ONION peel method of taking care of these infections! KEY - remember ONION!

red onion Pictures, Images and Photos
When you run your programs to get rid of these infections you may have another layer of spyware ready to crop up! RUN the program until you get NOTHING left! Remove all the layers!

Another part of this is you need to layer your programs! There are alot of really NICE programs out there for these infections, and alot of them are free of charge! Even if you purchased one program, or may even HAVE a program on your computer ready to combat these little buggers you need layered protection! There isn't anything WRONG with these programs. I think its just the nature of the beast!

I realize there are alot of people that have older software systems, and some of these up to date programs will NOT work for you! In my blog roll I have two links for websites that have downloads for some nice programs for older systems.

The first program I use is Ad-Aware. I found a video that will give you good visual! The program has been updated since this video, but when you use it you will see most of the aspects are the same! The only thing he didn't mention was to RE RUN that program until its ALL gone!

The second program I like to use is Ewido. Ewido has an online scan, and it will ask you if you can download an application. I have also been using this for while, and I will tell you it takes a while to run. The older operating systems may not be able to use this program.

I'm sure your friends and family have other programs they like to use. Those are two I like to use. So GO and get that SPYWARE, ADWARE, MALWARE.........and DELETE DELETE DELETE!!

What programs do you use already?