Thursday, 15 May 2008

How do I turn on or off the screensaver?


Today on How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner we will be learning about computer screensavers.  In today’s lesson we will show you how to turn on your screen saver, or turn off your screensaver.

See the cat ready to attack those fish in that screensaver on the computer? (giggles) I love it!

The Start of the Computer Screen Saver

Burnt-Image-on-CRTScreensavers were originally designed to protect computer monitors from phosphor burn-in.

Early CRT monitors, particularly monochrome ones, had problems with the same image being displayed for a long time on your monitor.

The phosphors, used to make the pixels in the display, would glow at a constant rate for such a long period of time that they would actually discolor the glass surface of the CRT.

This discoloration would then be visible as a faint image overlaying whatever else was displayed on the monitor.  I tried to find a clear picture of what is meant by screen burn in, but as you can imagine its hard to take a picture of it.  This orange screen above you can see segments of the letters, and rows.  Those images were burnt permanently on your screen.

Luckily, with advances in display technology and the advent of energy-saver monitors have virtually eliminated the need for screensavers. But we still use them, because they are FUN!

I remember using a black screen with bright green letters when I worked for a company years ago, and the screen I used most often was pretty much BURNT into the screen forever! I have to say monitors have come a long way baby! The old ones I think are responsible for the glasses I have to wear now. 

It dawned on me that maybe people don't know how to turn them OFF or even turn them ON for their computer! THIS part will be easy! I promise!

We will start with the most recent operating systems, and then show you how to turn on the screen saver, or turn off the screen saver with older operating systems.

How-To turn on your Screen Saver

I think the most common way of doing this is click on empty section of your desktop!

Then right click on the desktop, and you should see a 'personalize' section!personalize

Click Personalize.  A personalization section will open up with the newer operating systems.


This personalization screen will give you a couple of options, but we are looking for ‘screensaver’ today.

The screen saver option should look similar to this screen shot below

At this point you will click on the blue letters that say, ‘Screen Saver’ at the top.

You will then be presented with a new screen.screen-saver-settings

If you look towards the middle you will have a pull down menu that gives you choices that you have available on your computer.

The list in the screen shot here starts with 3D test, Acer, etc.  Yes, they are all assigned a name.

You also have two different ways of previewing the screen saver before you make your decision on which one you want to use.

I will select ‘bubbles’ for today.  When I click on the ‘bubbles’ screensaver from the drop down list I will be able to get a small preview within the picture on the top.

Now if you are ANYTHING like me?  This section is way to small for me to get an idea of what the bubbles truly look like.

I want to be able to see it full screen, so I truly understand what the screen saver looks like.  People with better eyes than me may not have that issue.

If you look at the screen shot above you have a ‘preview’ button.  This will allow the screen saver to give a true idea as to what it will look like on your computer monitor.  To stop the preview?  Just move your mouse, click your mouse, or hit a key on your keyboard.  It will bring back your option screen without all the graphics.   TRY in now!

screen-saver-settingsNot all your options for screensavers will give you information on the ‘settings’ button.  Some screen savers offer you settings, and some do not.  Bubbles in my case did not, and gave me a message telling me that. 

I wanted to be sure you knew what the settings button would look like IF you screen saver offers one.  What is neat is you can play with how you want your screen saver to display.  Some have sounds, dome to do.  Select your option in the drop down menus that they offer you, and click on ‘okay’ to see the differences.  Remember your ‘preview’ options we already spoke about.

Lets go back to the original settings screen so I can point out additional options to you.  We will be moving right below your screen saver choices.


The ‘wait’ section asks you how many minutes do you want your screen to stay ‘idle’ before the screen saver starts up.  I would call this a timer.

For example, lets say you were working on your computer and you hear the doorbell ring.  You leave your computer on, and go to answer the door.  Your computer would be ‘idle’ at that point.  Pick how many minutes you would wish the computer to stay idle before the screen saver starts.  Click the up or down arrows next to the number to make your selection.

‘On resume, display logon screen’ box. 

I personally don’t use this option.  If you click to leave an check in that box you will have to sign on to your computer once you come back.  It would be the same sign on your use (if you use one) once you turn on the computer for your screen name.

I also don’t fool with the power settings. 

Lastly, when you are done making your decisions?  You would click ‘apply’, and at times you also need to click ‘okay’. 

How-to Turn off Your Screen Saver

If you didn’t notice in the drop down options for which screen saver to use?  Lets look at that portion again!

The first choice you have on your list is called, ‘NONE’.

So if I wanted to shut off my bubbles screen saver, and not have one at all?  I would use that same screen list.  I would select – NONE!

Again then hit ‘apply’ and possibly ‘okay’ as well.  You have NOW turned off your screen saver!

For Older Operating Systems the process is similar.  Instead of selecting ‘personalize’ from your desktop options you will be looking for ‘properties’.

See the below video for a visual!

Below is a Windows 95 properties screen!

Green finger shows the 'screensaver' tab!
Red Finger shows you the pull down menu!
Blue shows you the apply and OK buttons to push when you are done with your selection!
Keep in mind most of the older systems will have similar looks, and the directions are the same!

They might have made the screen saver options look a bit more fancy, but the principal is the same!

If you look next to that 1/2 globe you will see an option there so you can tell the computer how many minutes you wish it to wait to turn on your screensaver!

How-To Turn on or Turn Off Screen Saver in Windows XP

The image right below that one is of Windows XP, and you can see the screensaver principals are the same! THEY just made it prettier! 


Lastly, its kind of fun to make you own screen saver.  The link below is a video to show you how to make your own screen saver using photos you have on your computer now.  NEAT!

Create A Screen Saver Using Windows XP/Vista

I hope this How-To Guide for Computer Beginners lesson on turning off the screen saver, and turn on the screen saver was helpful to you.

If you have any questions or comments please leave a comment in the section provided below.

You can also leave your email address in our subscribe box, and get all future lessons sent to you directly to your email!

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

How-To Change The Font Size On Your Computer Monitor

Ever wanted to change the font size so it was bigger (or smaller) than what is being displayed on your monitor? NO PROBLEM!

Click here if you looking for the article to change your font size in your web browser!

Learning How-To Change your font size on your computer will be a pretty easy thing to do for even a computer beginner. 

Its nice to know you can make the fonts bigger or even make the fonts smaller  We basically will change the DPI or Dots per inch!

We will start with some older operating systems, and then move on to the newer ones.

Changing your desktop font size in Windows 98

Find an empty place on your desktop, and click on it.
Right click in an empty place and select Properties

1)  Select the Appearance tab.
Under Appearance you have a Scheme selection and an Item selection.

2) You can change your icons under Item Select Icon if you wish by using the drop down box. 

3)  As you can see for number 3 in the picture the font name is Tahoma, and the Font size is 10.  This is basically the font property section.
Windows 98 Display Properties Box
To increase your font size you would pick a number GREATER than 10, or in your case GREATER than the number that your Display properties is showing. 

If you wish to decrease the font size or make the font smaller you would use a number LOWER than 10.

If you find that you prefer a different font you can change that at this time as well.  If you are looking for readability you may wish to play with the font sizes and types to choose one that works best for you.

Changing Your Desktop Font Size in Windows XP

Right-click an open area of the Windows Desktop and then click "Properties" to open the "Display Properties" window.

Click the "Appearance" tab.

In the drop down list labeled "Font Size", select the desired size.

Click "OK" to save the change and exit the "Display Properties" window.

There are three font sizes to choose from, these being, "Normal", "Large Fonts" and "Extra Large Fonts". As the name implies, "Normal" is the Windows XP default size. To return to the default font size, follow the procedure outlined above and choose "Normal" in the "Font Size" list.

The change will alter the font display in Windows title bars, dialogs and menus. It will not normally alter the font in documents such as word processor files or web pages.

To increase font size on Vista computer:

Unless you are signed in as the administrator on the computer Vista may not allow you to do this. You will need to disable the UAC or User Access Control First.

First we go the the Vista Control Panel.

Start Button to Control Panel brings you to the above screen

Click: Appearance and Personalization
Then Click: Personalization

LOOK to the left and you should see a section called 'adjust font size'.  It is circled in red for you.

You can click the larger DPI option at this point! Then look to the bottom, and click apply!

Most of the time you must click OKAY as well .

You will have to restart your machine to make sure it takes!

Notice at bottom there is a grey button for ‘CUSTOM DPI’ that you can use for other choices.

Custom DPI Setting for changing FONT size on your computer

Keep in mind that 100% is your normal screen size, and you go up from there!

ALSO you will need to click that yellow highlighted area to avoid the screen being blurry due larger screen size. The text and other items on the screen might appear blurry in some programs that are not designed for high–DPI display in Windows Vista. That section will help you in that!

The change can be applied only after a system restart. Close all the running applications, save your open documents and then press on Restart Now. After a reboot, the font size will be changed.

Learning How-To Change the Font Size on Your Computer Monitor does for the eyes! (giggles)  I hope My How-To lesson was easy to understand.  If something is not clear?  Feel free to leave a comment!

Want to Increase Font Size in your browser now?

How to find the control panel in Vista!

Today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner is how to find your control panel in Vista.  Vista is your operating system.   The control panel in your Vista Operating System is something you will use quite a bit at times.

If you look on your desktop towards the left hand side you will see your start button.

Windows-Vista-start-button This image is your start button, and you would need to click that once.  You will notice that a new screen appears, and will be similar to the one I have pictured below. 


The red Finger in the picture is pointing to the start button we mentioned already.  You will need to look over towards your right, and you should see the words ‘control panel’.  I have a yellow finger pointing at the one supplied in the picture.

Vista Control Panel can be viewed once you click on the words ‘control panel’ which I pointed to with the yellow finger!

Below is an up close screen shot for you.

Vista has two views of your control panel.


This screenshot of the control panel tends to be the default view of the control panel in Vista.

If you look at the green section towards the top you see will the option ‘Classic View’ on your control panel.

Vista-Classic-view-control-panelIf you click on the ‘classic view’ of the control panel you will notice you have a list of all your control panel options. 
You also have a scroll bar to your right that allows you to move up and down the list.

You can click ‘control panel home’ in the green section once again if you prefer to use the first view of the control panel.

I have noticed that some people have been searching for answers, because icons are missing from the control panel, or they can’t open the control panel.

Microsoft Vista came out with a ‘service pack’ that should resolve your issues.  Service packs are basically updates to operating systems to resolve problems with the operating system, or what they call ‘bugs’ in the system. 

I will be writing a update windows lesson soon, but I did wish to point out that Microsoft has addressed the problem of the missing icons, or the control panel not opening in Vista.

They are basically asking you to download a service pack that should resolve the issue.

The symptoms they listed were:

On a computer that is running Windows Vista, you experience one or more of the following problems:
  • Icons are missing from Control Panel.
  • You cannot start Control Panel. When you try to start Control Panel, the screen may flash briefly, but Control Panel does not start.
  • You cannot start the Welcome Center. For example, when you type welcome center in the Start Search box, and then you click Welcome Center in the Programs list, nothing happens.
  • You cannot start Windows Vista games such as Chess or Minesweeper. When you try to start the games, nothing happens.
These problems may occur intermittently.

I hope our How-To Guide of the computer beginner lesson on Vista Control Panel was helpful.  As always if you have any questions of comments please see the option that allows you to do this.

Also make sure you look for our subscribe section to enter your email address, so you can get future lessons sent directly to your mailbox.

How to Disable UAC or User Access Control in Vista

UAC or User Access Control is a security feature for Vista, and they don't recommend that you don't use it! The thing is for some adjustments to your computer at times its easier to disable it to make the adjustments to your computer. You will know that you must disable this when you go to do something, and the screen is either blacked out or the option is disabled! I figured it out when I was denied to delete a file of all things!  

Today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner is Turning off and Turn on the UAC (or User Access Control).

You will need to be the administrator on the computer to make changes, or you will have to have the administrator passcode to make the changes. I find this portion of Vista annoying myself, but they say its a safety measure. LOL Whatever!


I don't recommend that you keep this OFF all the time, because it is a security measure! There will be times in which you have to if you want to make changes that are needed to your system! Remember Windows recommends this feature for security reasons!

We need to go to the 'Vista Control Panel' at this point!

Make sure you click your start button to bring up your start menu as pictured.  Over on your right hand side you will see ‘control panel’.  Click on control panel.

To make sure you see directions I will talk about next make sure you have the white dot next to the words ‘control panel home’ in your upper left hand corner – blue section.  If the dot is next to ‘classic view’ you can change this by clicking on ‘control panel home’


You would next click on the green words that say ‘user accounts and family safety’
That will bring up the next screen.

Now click on the green words, ‘user accounts’.
Again a new screen will appear.

turn-user-account-control-on-or-offThis is the next screen, and we need to look towards the bottom.  We will view
‘Turn User Account Control on or off’

Chances are you will get a security prompt asking you if you wish to continue basically.  We wish to do that.

Notice the check mark next to ‘use user account control (uac) to help protect your computer.
We will be ‘removing’ that check mark by clicking on it.

Vista will give you an option of restarting to apply the change NOW, or if you wish to do this later.

You make that choice, but once the computer is restarted the change will be made.  Click the red X if you wish to get out completely.

You basically reverse this process to turn the UAC back on.

If you are interested in learning more about Vista UAC or User Access Control in Vista I found a link directly to the Microsoft website!

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.
subscription box

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading out How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner on UAC!

How-To Change Web Browser Font Size

Change Web Browser Font SizeEver wish you could increase the font size on a screen, because its TO SMALL to comfortably read?

You may even wish to change your web browser font size smaller.

Today we are going to go over some easy tips on how-to change your font in your browser.   Don’t worry this will be a very easy lesson for the Computer Beginner!

If you are looking for How-To Change your Font Size on your Computer Screen we have an article for that as well.

How to Change Font Size in Internet Explorer (IE)
How To Change Font Size in FireFox

From what I have noticed with the recent versions for Internet Explorer and FireFox?

You can hold down the control key (CTRL)

While you are holding down the CTRL key, move your mouse wheel either direction to find a view that is comfortable for you.

How to Change Font Size in Internet Explorer

As you can see towards the top of your web browser in IE you have File, Edit, View, etc.

Click on View and go down to Text size to increase the font or decrease the font in IE.

How-To Change the Font Size in FireFox

Once again you basically do the same things as you did in IE.

There is a shortcut in FireFox for this as well. 
You would hold down the CRTL key again, and then hit your plus (+) or minus (-) sign on your keyboard.

I also found a video with similar tips, and it also discusses add-ons for your browser.

What if its your font Size on computer screen or computer monitor?

Increase Font Size on Computer Screen

That is today’s Lesson on How-To change your Font on your Internet Browser!  Don’t forget to subscribe to received future How-To lessons for the Computer Beginner delivered right to your mails box!

Questions?  Feel free to ask in comment section!

Sunday, 11 May 2008

What is Cache? How do you clear Cache?

clear cache jokeToday's how-to guide for computer beginners is about computer CACHE!

Dealing with computer cache is a basic computer operation, and will be useful for you to know.

Here is are some list of questions I have been asked, and we will go over them one by one!

How you pronounce ‘cache’?  It is pronounced CASH

Today, we are going cover the following questions:

What is cache or Define computer cache? 

How-To clear your computer cache, or what some people call how do you delete your computer cache

Temporary Internet Files refers to a folder on your computer where the cache is stored.  When read about the two terms you will notice that some people refer to them as one in the same. 

In other words, How-to clear the temporary internet files could be asked instead of using the word ‘cache’.  Other times they could be referring to Disk Cleanup.

Definition of Computer Cache

I will try to explain what Cache is for the computer beginner, and here is a couple of cache definitions that google came up with!   There are different types of cache, and we will be talking about internet cache today.

Different types of Cache is also explained briefly at Free Computer Maintenance.

Cache as most people call it are basically the Temporary Internet Files folder on your computer!

It contains a kind of travel record of the items you have seen, heard, or downloaded from the Web, including images, sounds, Web pages, even cookies. Typically these items are stored in the Temporary Internet Files folder.

How Stuff Works has an article on Cache as well, and they use a different visual to describe it. 

Your Internet connection is the slowest link in your computer. So your browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, etc.) uses the hard disk to store HTML pages, putting them into a special folder on your disk. The first time you ask for an HTML page, your browser renders it and a copy of it is also stored on your disk. The next time you request access to this page, your browser checks if the date­ of the file on the Internet is newer than the one cached. If the date is the same, your browser uses the one on your hard disk instead of downloading it from Internet. In this case, the smaller but faster memory system is your hard disk and the larger and slower one is the Internet.

Storing these files in your cache can make browsing the Web faster because it usually takes your computer less time to display a Web page (or what they call loading the page) when it can call up some of the page's elements or even the entire page from your local Temporary Internet Files folder.

So if you have NOT been to a website yet your temporary files do not have a record of any information on that website, and it will take longer to load.

Now next time you are surfing the web.....clear-cache-foxfire-ie
you will know why some pages LOAD faster than others!

Keep in mind at times you need to clear out that cache, because it does take up room on your computer! It will slow your performance down as well.

People ask me how often you need to clear cache, and it really depends on how often you use your computer and the internet in particular!

Believe or not you will know how often you should clear cache the more you use the computer, and the more your surf the internet! Keep in mind if you have never cleared cache before it may take a while to empty the cache, but it will NOT take as long afterwards (after you do it the first time).

Clearing the Cache or Deleting the Cache at times is more about personal preference.  Some people do this before they browse the internet, and others may do this once a week.  If you notice things are starting to slow down a bit – clear the cache to see if that helps.

Keep in mind if you are like some people that just pop on for 10 minutes to check email, and read a bit then sign off you will have to clear cache less often!

Especially with older web browsers: If you empty the cache to often loading web pages will always take forever, and it will be very frustrating! Its just like seasoning your food!

You don't want to much or to little in the cache to make it work well for you! When you do clear the cache things will take longer to load next time you visit your favorite webpage at times! After a while believe me you will notice your performance difference! TRUST me on that!

Before Proceeding we need to find out what web browser you use.

What is a Browser, Web Browser?

Most of the time if you look at the top of your web browser you should see a ‘help’ section.  You can click that, and search for ‘cache’ for instructions similar to our lesson below.  As much as I try to keep up on changes to web browser update sometimes there is a delay from me.  So keep that ‘help’ section in MIND!

I will tell you I have more than one web browser on my computer, and that would NOT be unusual!  So, I clear the cache for each one separately.


Clear Cache on IE or Clear Cache on Internet Explorer 9:

We will start with deleting cache on Internet Explorer 9.0 version first.


This is the Internet Explorer or IE web browser Icon.


Look to your upper right hand corner of your web browser, and find the symbol I’m pointing to here.

This will bring up a menu with some options.


Look for Safety First
And you will next be offered the option of delete browsing history.


Internet Browser have come a long way, and now they give you the option of saving some cache that you use.  The top portion would be websites that you have placed in your ‘favorites’ section on your browser.

I would say most of the time people like the first four clicked.  They would be self explanatory.


For a better Explanation of all your options?  I wrote a How-To Article just on ‘delete browsing history’ menu.

You can delete files you downloaded, information you have typed into forms online, passwords that are filled in automatically by the browser (you would have an the option at the time to allow this). 

Once you have made your choices you would look to the bottom of this screen, and push your delete button. 

Once the process of clearing your cache or deleting your cache is done at the bottom of your browser you should get a message similar to the one I pictured below.


Clearing Cache on Internet Explorer 6
Clearing cache and cookies on Internet Explorer 7
Deleting Cache and cookies on Internet Explorer 8

Clear Cache In Mozilla FoxFire 5.0

This time in Mozilla FoxFire



Some people have this orange foxfire Rectangle button that is pictured (top left hand side).  When you click on that


you will be presented with a number of choices.

You want to click on the ‘options’, and then on the advanced.

Other versions of Foxfire:

Foxfire - Tools - Options

Click Tools, and then Options


As you can see pictured.  The advanced, then network, then clear now.

You would click ‘okay’ on the bottom for close this window.

With your history you would go into the ‘privacy’ section, and click the options you wish in much the same way we did here.

My Foxfire Browser I have option at the top of my browser to go directly to tools



I go down to the section called ‘clear recent history’


At the top you have an option of how much you wish to clear.  My option says ‘everything’.  You can pick timeframe you wish.

I also make sure I click the cache, cookies option as well. 

Then the CLEAR NOW button.


How-To Clear Cache in Google Chrome

This is your Google Chrome Icon, and you want to click on it to open a web browser window.


In the TOP right hand side of your browser window you will see a symbol that represents what the call, ‘Menu’

chrome menu

Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
Select Tools.
Select Clear browsing data.

Chrome Menu options

In the dialog that appears, select the checkboxes for the types of information that you want to remove.

clear cache chrom

Use the menu at the top to select the amount of data that you want to delete.

When you are finished with your choices.

Click Clear browsing data.

I hope my how-to lesson for the computer beginner on CACHE was understandable to you.  If you have any questions or comments please feel free to use the comment box.

Don’t forget to leave your email in our subscribe section so you don’t miss any future lessons!