Showing posts with label Control-Panel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Control-Panel. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Where is the control panel on computer?

Where is the control panel located on computer?


Today’s How-To Computer Beginner lesson will be How do I find my control panel on my computer.


What is the control panel on the computer? 


The control panel is a place on your computer where you can change or set your computer settings.  It could things like how fast my mouse clicks, what printer to use, how my desktop will look, adjusting your sound for your system.  In some ways you can look at it as a ‘control center’ of your computer.


I will show you where the control panel is located in older versions like Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, and then windows XP and Control panel in Windows Vista or Seven (7).

For the older versions of windows you need to:

1. Start button

2. Programs
3. Accessories
4. System tools = under system tools you will see control panel

where is the control panel?


On some older systems you can find your control panel


1) start button

2)  Settings

3)  Control Panel











Your control panel should look similar to the one pictured. 













How-To locate your control panel in Windows XP:

Click Start menu button.
Select Control Panel


If you cannot find the Control Panel in your Start menu, select Settings and Control Panel.

Here is two views of what the control panel in XP look like.  Keep in mind each computer may differ slightly.


How-To locate your Control Panel in Vista:

To to your Start Button

Look your Left to click control panel (yellow finger pointing at it)

Vista Control Panel

After you find control panel in Vista you have a choice of two views:

Control Panel Home

Vista Control Panel

Or use that arrow pictured to get to the classic view of the control panel for vista

Vista Control Panel Classic View

Windows 7 (seven) control panel is found the same way Vista was found


Where is the control panel? We found it didn't we!  The control panel is something that a computer beginner will be using from time to time.  You will notice in our other computer basic courses we will refer it often.


I hope our How-To find the control panel on your computer lesson today was helpful.  Keep in mind you can enter your email address, and you can receive future lessons directly in your email box. 


Questions or comments are always welcome!

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

How to find the control panel in Vista!

Today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner is how to find your control panel in Vista.  Vista is your operating system.   The control panel in your Vista Operating System is something you will use quite a bit at times.

If you look on your desktop towards the left hand side you will see your start button.

Windows-Vista-start-button This image is your start button, and you would need to click that once.  You will notice that a new screen appears, and will be similar to the one I have pictured below. 


The red Finger in the picture is pointing to the start button we mentioned already.  You will need to look over towards your right, and you should see the words ‘control panel’.  I have a yellow finger pointing at the one supplied in the picture.

Vista Control Panel can be viewed once you click on the words ‘control panel’ which I pointed to with the yellow finger!

Below is an up close screen shot for you.

Vista has two views of your control panel.


This screenshot of the control panel tends to be the default view of the control panel in Vista.

If you look at the green section towards the top you see will the option ‘Classic View’ on your control panel.

Vista-Classic-view-control-panelIf you click on the ‘classic view’ of the control panel you will notice you have a list of all your control panel options. 
You also have a scroll bar to your right that allows you to move up and down the list.

You can click ‘control panel home’ in the green section once again if you prefer to use the first view of the control panel.

I have noticed that some people have been searching for answers, because icons are missing from the control panel, or they can’t open the control panel.

Microsoft Vista came out with a ‘service pack’ that should resolve your issues.  Service packs are basically updates to operating systems to resolve problems with the operating system, or what they call ‘bugs’ in the system. 

I will be writing a update windows lesson soon, but I did wish to point out that Microsoft has addressed the problem of the missing icons, or the control panel not opening in Vista.

They are basically asking you to download a service pack that should resolve the issue.

The symptoms they listed were:

On a computer that is running Windows Vista, you experience one or more of the following problems:
  • Icons are missing from Control Panel.
  • You cannot start Control Panel. When you try to start Control Panel, the screen may flash briefly, but Control Panel does not start.
  • You cannot start the Welcome Center. For example, when you type welcome center in the Start Search box, and then you click Welcome Center in the Programs list, nothing happens.
  • You cannot start Windows Vista games such as Chess or Minesweeper. When you try to start the games, nothing happens.
These problems may occur intermittently.

I hope our How-To Guide of the computer beginner lesson on Vista Control Panel was helpful.  As always if you have any questions of comments please see the option that allows you to do this.

Also make sure you look for our subscribe section to enter your email address, so you can get future lessons sent directly to your mailbox.

How to Disable UAC or User Access Control in Vista

UAC or User Access Control is a security feature for Vista, and they don't recommend that you don't use it! The thing is for some adjustments to your computer at times its easier to disable it to make the adjustments to your computer. You will know that you must disable this when you go to do something, and the screen is either blacked out or the option is disabled! I figured it out when I was denied to delete a file of all things!  

Today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner is Turning off and Turn on the UAC (or User Access Control).

You will need to be the administrator on the computer to make changes, or you will have to have the administrator passcode to make the changes. I find this portion of Vista annoying myself, but they say its a safety measure. LOL Whatever!


I don't recommend that you keep this OFF all the time, because it is a security measure! There will be times in which you have to if you want to make changes that are needed to your system! Remember Windows recommends this feature for security reasons!

We need to go to the 'Vista Control Panel' at this point!

Make sure you click your start button to bring up your start menu as pictured.  Over on your right hand side you will see ‘control panel’.  Click on control panel.

To make sure you see directions I will talk about next make sure you have the white dot next to the words ‘control panel home’ in your upper left hand corner – blue section.  If the dot is next to ‘classic view’ you can change this by clicking on ‘control panel home’


You would next click on the green words that say ‘user accounts and family safety’
That will bring up the next screen.

Now click on the green words, ‘user accounts’.
Again a new screen will appear.

turn-user-account-control-on-or-offThis is the next screen, and we need to look towards the bottom.  We will view
‘Turn User Account Control on or off’

Chances are you will get a security prompt asking you if you wish to continue basically.  We wish to do that.

Notice the check mark next to ‘use user account control (uac) to help protect your computer.
We will be ‘removing’ that check mark by clicking on it.

Vista will give you an option of restarting to apply the change NOW, or if you wish to do this later.

You make that choice, but once the computer is restarted the change will be made.  Click the red X if you wish to get out completely.

You basically reverse this process to turn the UAC back on.

If you are interested in learning more about Vista UAC or User Access Control in Vista I found a link directly to the Microsoft website!

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.
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Thank you for reading out How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner on UAC!