Saturday, 22 November 2008

How much (RAM) memory does my computer have?

How much memory does my computer have? I heard that question alot, and I wanted to give you some resources for it! Its not the only resource, but it will give you a starting point! If you need to know what RAM is please see, 'What is Ram?' First.

Some keyboards you should by able to see the WinKey and Break keys. Hold the Winkey down, and then push the break key. Below are pictures of the WinKey+Break! Keep in mind yours may look a bit different depending on your keyboard manufacturer!



Above is the Winkey. Does the logo look familiar?

If you can't find those keys you can try a different way. With the older operating systems to find how much memory your computer has you right click on your 'my computer' icon on your desktop.

my computer icon

For the newer versions of window to find how much memory your computer has you go to the start button, and then computer. In the picture below when you are over the MY computer you right click to properties!

start, my computer

You will get your system information, and your RAM amount for your computer.

computer properties, RAM

Alot of people just go the start button, control panel, and look for the system icon.

How much memory does your computer have? WELL there are a number of ways you can find out!

Check out: How do I know if I have enough RAM installed? and What is Ram? WHat is Memory?

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