Sunday, 1 June 2014

Apple's WWDC 2014 Is Tomorrow, And It Looks To Be The Biggest And Best One Yet!

Tomorrow is the day. Finally, the Apple WWDC for 2014 is here! This particular convention is one that you will be talked about for a while after it finishes. We all know Apple to be the top dog in terms of consumer electronics and tech devices, so we know for sure that this year's event will be a big one. You have to figure that there have already been quite a lot of rumors surrounding Apple recently. With the iWatch consistently talked about around the internet, the recent deal they made with the one and only Dr. Dre for his Beats, and the talk of a new iOS, this should be quite the conference. Since the deal isn't finalized with Dr. Dre yet, we probably shouldn't expect to see much, if anything at all, about the incorporation of the Beats into Apple's technology.

While we might not get to see anything with the Beats take the stage yet, there is still quite a bit to look forward to.

Arguably the biggest part of the conference will be the new iOS and OS X. Whenever there is a new update to be had regarding software, you can expect Apple to give it everything they've got and then some. You can also expect a slew of critics and tech experts standing by to find any and all flaws in the software that they can. All obviousness aside, the iOS 8 software is sure to get many people excited. This is the biggest update since iOS 7, and we all know how the design overhaul for that update went. Needless to say, I don't foresee Apple making the iOS 8 software changes as crazy as the iOS 7 were, but I'm sure that there will be a few different key features accompanying it. OS X 10.10 will be undergoing the same type of design overhaul that iOS saw with the iOS7 update. The new OS X update will also be seeing a name change as well. It's still not specified yet, but we will be looking at the new OS X Yosemite or OS X El Cap in the near future.

Naturally, we can all look forward to some new hardware being announced to go along with the new software. There are some out there who believe that we won't be seeing any type of hardware coming out during the event. I tend to believe otherwise, simply due to the fact that Apple always has SOME sort of new hardware being announced at the WWDC events. Whether it be an upgraded version of the Mac Pro or a new Macbook of sorts, I'm sure there will be something.

There is also disbelief that Apple will show the new iWatch at the event. I disagree here as well. The rumors have spread around enough, and Apple is already quite late to the wearable fray as it is. If they plan on keeping up with the other companies that are already pushing the wearable trend to further their respective businesses, then they need to get in the game now. Samsung unveiled the Galaxy S5, along with a few wearables, at the Upacked event this past February. It would seem unwise of Apple to NOT show the iWatch.

Whether there will be a showing of the new product, or new hardware at all, has yet to be determined, but we will all find out tomorrow at 10 AM. No matter what, this event is sure to not disappoint!

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Sunday, 4 May 2014

It Seems Microsoft Still Supports Windows XP... For Now

As we all know, Microsoft officially retired Windows XP in April, and it was a really big deal to a lot of people. After the huge zero-day bug that affected every version of Internet Explorer from Windows XP to Windows 8, Microsoft actually decided to put out a patch for XP users when they put out a patch for everything else. Although this is ultimately a good thing, it may not have been the smartest move that Microsoft ever made. The whole reason they decided to abandon Windows XP was to get more people to upgrade to the newer versions of Windows. It is now very apparent that Microsoft will still continue to fix major issues with XP as long as it still has a lot of users.

The bug was found by a security firm called FireEye on April 26th, and Microsoft confirmed it the next day. It was one of the most dangerous bugs ever, and even the U.S. government was telling everyone not to use Internet Explorer. Although it was dangerous, it may have been one of the best things that could have happened to Microsoft. Companies couldn't keep using Windows XP if there was an insane, crippling security issue with it. Thousands of people would have been forced to upgrade if Microsoft would have stuck to what they said and not put out a patch for XP.

Microsoft says that the reason they put out the patch is because this incident happened so close to the end of the support for Windows XP. That makes sense, but are they going to do the same thing if something else happens next week? Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to complain about a company being nice and doing good things for its customers, I'm just talking here. But it still doesn't seem like the smartest thing ever. Now everyone is just going to assume that Microsoft will always cave in, and there is no reason to give up on Windows XP.

The worst part about all of this is that it may give some people false hope. Yes, you are safe for now as an XP user, your company might be safe, and whatever else. But the thing that everyone should realize is that this is not going to be the last time something like this happens. This isn't the last security breach of all time. Not only that, but Windows XP is going to be the biggest target of all now because Microsoft absolutely can not keep supporting such an outdated operating system. Either way, the time has come to go ahead and upgrade if you haven't already done so yet.

Tonight, you can use Windows XP and sleep well knowing that you are safe. Tomorrow, however, is another day where anything in the world could happen. It's best to look at this as a warning or just a close call. But it is actually time to upgrade now. Seriously this time.

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Tuesday, 15 April 2014

What To Do If Your Computer Becomes Infected

If you have a desktop or laptop computer that has recently been infected by a virus, spyware, or any other kind of malicious bug, getting it removed as quickly as possible is something that you should make a priority. If you do a lot of work on your computer, having such an infection can put you at risk to lose everything that you have stored on there. Even if you do not work on your computer, losing saved files is never a good thing. Thus, taking your computer to a shop offering computer repair in Simi Valley is something you should do as quickly as possible.

A computer repair shop can help you remove the offending items from your computer before they can do any more damage. Like a physical virus, computer viruses spread throughout the system and attack everything on their way through. While it is not likely that you will escape any and all damage, you can minimize the damage you experience by acting quickly.

Another reason to check out a shop for computer repair in Simi Valley is so you can have preventative programsinstalled, thus decreasing the risk of contracting another infection. Having safety protocols in place to help you avoid problems such as these can save you time and frustration, as well as money in the long run. Rather than paying for computer repairs every so often due to these types of issues, you can avoid them down the road by having anti-virus and other types of software installed. While it is still recommended that you exercise caution when you use your computer, having protection can give you peace-of-mind.

Having issues with your computer can be frustrating and extremely damaging. Having a reliable source for computer repair in Simi Valley can be a huge source of relief when you eventually need to take advantage of their services. If you have no such place, look into your options today.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

The Future Of Technology Could Change As Silicon Goes Down, And Graphene Goes Up!

Here's something that we never normally think about. Whenever you are surfing the web on your laptop, playing Angry Birds on your tablet, or playing Black Ops II on your Playstation 3, do you ever stop and think what is making all of that technology work? 9 times out of 10 the answer is going to be a no. We don't ever really think about how something works as long as it works. However, inside your favorite devices are multitudes of different transistors and microchips that make it possible for your tech to do what it does. Almost everything it mad out of something called silicon. A readily available resource that is conductive enough to have everything work properly, but not conductive enough to fry all of the electronic inner workings. While silicon is definitely the "go to" resource for any real tech company, our friends over at Samsung may have found something that could knock silicon off of the map

Is anyone familiar with something called graphene? No? Not shocking as it isn't something that tech companies use very often.

Graphene is a pretty amazing little material. We are talking about something that is actually HARDER than diamond and with only the thickness of an atom. It's conductivity levels are through the roof and has the potential to, ultimately replace silicon. The only limitation that has been found with this amazing little metal is it's size. Because of it's small size, the qualities that it possesses can't really be replicated and mass produced to benefit electronic products for consumers. Samsung however may have cracked the code to the whole "miniscule" problem.

Researchers at some of Samsung's facilities have found a way to grow the crystal on a "large area, single crystal wafer scale". What does this mean exactly? One word: Synthesize. Simply by finding a way to "grow" and copy, or synthesize, the graphene crystal, Samsung has effectively created a way to properly utilize the material despite its small stature. Now, while synthesizing most materials tends to deteriorate some of the materials natural properties, that hasn't been the case for Samsung's graphene endeavors. By synthesizing the material upon a semiconductor, it has been able to retain all of it's properties without deteriorating later.

Samsung isn't new to graphene either. It's in almost every display to date. That iPad or iPhone that you're reading this article on? Yup. Graphene in it. There is one drawback to the material though, aside from the small size. The fact that it is SO conductive that it's almost TOO conductive. There is no real "energy gap" like with silicon. Since this material is so super conductive, it almost can't really be turned "off", even with the help of transistors. The transistors are what is used to help maintain power within the materials so that they don't fry the inner workings of the devices. Remember, there can be a thing as too much power.

Some scientists within the Samsung research facilities might be onto something when they say that they could "dope" the material. By "doping" it, they'll add chemicals to the material in order to tone down it's conductive nature, however testing is still going on as they aren't sure how the "doping" will affect the other properties.

Silicon is slowly becoming more and more scarce, and graphene is starting to looking really inviting. Should Samsung be able to work graphene into their products and start becoming more reliant on that instead of silicon, we might be in for a very different future in terms of our technology.

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Monday, 10 March 2014

Magnetic Materials Could Make Computers 1,000 Times More Powerful

If you have ever had to actually use your laptop on your lap, you know all too well that they can produce a ton of heat, especially when the processor is working hard. No matter how advanced computer technology gets, the amount of heat that a computer produces is something we can't seem to get away from. If you think about it, all of the extra heat given off is just wasted energy that could be used for something else. A team of engineers at UCLA have found a way to make integrated circuits more efficient using a class of magnetic materials that are called multiferroics.

Basically, everything you use daily, like your computer, phone, TV, and many other things, relies on tons of transistors packed together making an integrated circuit. When chained together, transistors act as logic gates. The energy passing through these transistors results in large amounts of heat and loss of electrons. There really shouldn't be a way around it, but multiferroic materials have found a way to bypass this.

By simply applying an alternate voltage, a multiferroic material can be switched on or off. Doing this allows it to carry power to different parts through spinning electrons instead of actually moving them. This effect is call a "spin wave bus". The energy of the wave moves in, but the actual molecules don't have to move at all. It is a little bit hard to understand, but trust me... that's how it works.

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There was actually an experiment that the team did to test the ability of the materials to keep a stable spin wave bus. The device that they used in this experiment was made of nickel-based film on a piezoelectric substrate. The initial voltage is applied here to generate the spin wave. In the middle of the chip they used for the experiment was a 5-micrometer-wide ferromagnetic strip, which is where everything happens. The strip is the waveguide for the spin wave bus and directs power from one section to another without moving any electrons at all.

The experiment worked and successfully generated a voltage-driven spin wave. It is still a super long way away from replacing a regular charge current, but the team thinks that the improved efficiency of this method could make processors 1,000 times more efficient at very least. This would mean that there could be a whole new generation of computers that could work so much harder with a lot less power. The possibilities are endless.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Sony Gives Up On The PC Market

Times are tough for everyone in every industry these days, and even huge companies that are making the PCs that you use every day are no exception. There are a ton of companies out there doing the same thing, and less people have extra money to upgrade to the latest and greatest things that are coming out. When your company is struggling with a business that isn't even your main priority anymore, it's probably about time to give it up. And that's exactly what Sony is doing. They are selling their PC business to investment fund Japan Industrial Partners.

Sony has previously came out and said that they were talking to Lenovo about joining forces, so it's a little bit odd that Vaio isn't being sold to another huge PC brand. That makes the whole thing a bit more surprising. But, if you really think about it, the PC market isn't doing that well at all. In 2013 the entire PC market went down by 10%, even after 316 million PCs were sold.

When Sony announced the sale of Vaio, they spoke on the huge changes in the global PC industry and also stated that smartphones an tablets were the number one concern of the company. They have been moving more toward the mobile side of tech, and that's where they need to aim their focus.

If this news surprised you, then you may have quite a few more surprises headed your way. It's very likely that we will see many more huge brands doing the exact same thing as the industry keeps changing. Everyone was blown away when IBM sold it's PC business and when HP said that they were going to do the same thing as well. But for most people, this probably makes more sense than those situations, because Sony has made themselves a top contender in other markets that are far more important.

The craziest thing about the move that may make a few people really sad, is that even though Vaio will continue, it will not be widely available. Mainly, it will be available in Japan, and that's about it until they decide otherwise. So, this spring is the last time you'll ever see Vaios on the shelves.

Sony made good computers. They were even doing a lot of the same things that Apple is doing now, but years before. It's been made known that Steve Jobs himself even wanted Sony to use Apple's operating system on their machines! They weren't always the hottest seller, because they were fairly pricey and basically no different than any other computer on the market when it came to a lot of specs. But with the high price tag came an expensive looking design. Having a Vaio was almost like making a fashion statement.

Though it seems like a sad day in the PC world, something new will more than likely pop up next week that will excite us and make us forget that Sony ever made computers. Luckily for us, this is one of the fastest moving industries ever. There is never enough time to be sad.

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Sunday, 12 January 2014

New Phase-Change Cooling System From Captherm

For over a decade, the best way to cool your PC has been with a water cooling system. This year at CES 2014 a new product has emerged and introduced what could be the new standard for cooling your PC.

The MP1120 from Captherm may have a slightly boring name, but don't let that fool you. This awesome new product that has PC enthusiasts excited is an extremely simple integrated phase change cooler, and it plugs directly into a processor socket adapter. The way that phase change cooling works is by heating up the liquid until it turns into a vapor. Then, the vapor moves to a condenser and is changed back into a liquid and finally returned to the processor.

This method cools your PC much more efficiently and does not require the use of a pump. Eliminating the pump also eliminates the risk of break or leaks and annoying noises that you may have to put up with.

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The MP1120 is made of corrosion resistant metals, but these metals can't be welded together in a normal way because they won't accept a strong and long lasting bond. So, they have to use "explosion welding", which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Large chunks of the materials are put together in slabs, and then they are bonded together by the force of an explosion instead of welding. After that, they are cut to fit the pieces of the cooler. Using this method means that the bond will never leak or get weaker.

In case you were wondering, yes; There is a built in window so that you can watch the process of the phase change cooling. You can actually watch the water turn into vapor. You also have the choice of any color lights that you would like, as the system comes with fully customizable LED lighting.

According to Captherm, the MP1120 will sell for $249. This may seem a little bit pricey compared to other cooling systems, but it's actually a pretty good price compared to other phase change cooling kits on the market. Some sell for over $1000.